Thursday, July 17, 2008

Giving Back

When you allow the Law of Attraction into your life, there will ultimately be a point when you need to give something back. For some people they choose to give a certain percentage on their income 10% or more their place of worship, favorite charity, or community outreach program. This needs to be done for one important reason.

Whenever you give money to a charitable cause, a vacuum has been created. The Universe has to fill that vacuum with whatever is missing. Meaning if you give money generously, the universe will fill that void with more money. If you cannot afford to give money, that is ok. Simply donating your time will also invoke a similar response from the universe.

The key is when you give your time or resources, you should do it from an attitude of gratitude. Do not expect to be rewarded simply because you are giving something away. Remember that is your responsibility to give generously, because you have been given something special to share with people who need it.

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