Monday, July 7, 2008

LOA Day 23 Experiment

The past three weeks have been amazing and have produced tangible results. This weekend my friend and I inched closer to finishing a project that we have been working on since January of this year. As a result, I am pleased to announce that the product development phase is winding down and we will begin the retail and distribution end of our venture.

When we started this endeavour I had no idea how or where it would lead. I was not even sure where we would produce our product. My friend and I did however plant the seed of what we were going to accomplish out into the Universe, and by taking action we were able to progress. Along the way there were people who said it could not be done, or that we were going to fail. I refused to listen their negativity and focused on what I knew I could achieve. I kept envisioning how this product could help bring happiness and confidence to people; which was key in keeping me motivated to see this project to completion.

While we are still progressing, I am very confident that our product will have a huge impact on people. I believe you must first have a clear idea of what you want to achieve, then you have to allow the Universe time to gather the resources that you will need, and finally you have to take action to draw it into your life. Keeping it simple the key to success.

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