Wednesday, July 30, 2008

LOA Experiment Day 47

Start spreading the news, I got confirmation that my non-profit organization has been accepted by the State of California! I had attempting to establish a public benefit corporation for almost two years with no luck. I tried submitting the necessary paperwork and drove to the State Secretaries Office on four separate occasions, only to be denied and told to try again at a latter time.

Each time I received the denied letter, I felt frustration and sadness. Instead of setting myself up for continual failure, I decided to broadcast to the Universe what I really wanted. Starting the week of June 23rd, I began writing, "I am in the process of starting a non-profit organization." I would also read this statement out loud as often as I could. In addition I also began to visualize actually receiving an approved letter and the feelings of happiness and gratitude that would come with it.

For three continuous weeks, whenever I closed my eyes and started to visualize, I would imagine getting an approved stamp on my application. Furthermore I kept focusing on all the people my non-profit organization would help. To my amazement I received an approval letter this past week and now I am on my way to realizing a dream that seemed out of reach.

Unbelievably great things can happen in your life if you allow them to. Stay focused on what you want, be persistent about what you would like to achieve, and remain patient while the Universe gathers the necessary resources. Miracles can happen to you, but you have to believe deep down that you already have whatever you are seeking to obtain. When in doubt remember the three steps to achieving an extraordinary life:
  1. Get a clear and precise idea of what you want (Law of Attraction)
  2. Be patient while the Universe gathers it for you (Law of Gestation)
  3. Take Action (Law of Action)

Thursday, July 24, 2008

LOA Experiment Day 41

I woke up this morning and discovered another client has been attracted to my company. In fact they requested the same service that I had envisioned selling the night before. As a result I can say that July is turning out to be a great month. At first business was slow, but the level of activity has picked up alot. I attribute the recent upward trend to taking action and focusing specifically on what I want to achieve.

In addition, I have been been creating new neural technology to reinforce positive thoughts and behavior. Furthermore I have been actively pursuing different techniques in an effort to attract more of what I want, instead of focusing on what I do not want. This search has led me to Michael Losier, the author the worldwide best seller, "The Law of Attraction." Michael's work is absolutely fascinating, and he explains it in a clear and concise manner.

I have reached the point whereby when I direct my focus and attention to a particular thing, such as creating more sales for my business, I know it will happen. It is exciting to know that I am benefiting directly from the power of my thoughts. I wake up everyday and feel excited about my future business prospects, yet humble enough to feel greatful for everything.

Monday, July 21, 2008

LOA Experiment Day 38

Last night I spent an hour or so visualizing goals that I would like to achieve within the near future. Specifically, I envisioned attracting another client, purchasing a house before the end of this year, owning a new car, and creating financial independence. I opened up my email and was pleasantly surprised when I found another client had been added to my clientele list. I cannot begin to describe how grateful I feel.

In addition I have started to truly believe in thinking about the Now. The past is the past and cannot be changed, but what is happening now can be changed. If things are going well, keep going and focus on that now. If things are not going well then focus on what you want or how you would like things to be now. We learn from the past so the decisions we make can create a better life.

Living in the Now is very powerful. When life gets hectic and negative thoughts creep into conscious awareness, you can reverse course and eliminate them by asking yourself, "So what do I want?" When you become aware of what you do want, you can start living in the Now and enjoy the life you want!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Giving Back

When you allow the Law of Attraction into your life, there will ultimately be a point when you need to give something back. For some people they choose to give a certain percentage on their income 10% or more their place of worship, favorite charity, or community outreach program. This needs to be done for one important reason.

Whenever you give money to a charitable cause, a vacuum has been created. The Universe has to fill that vacuum with whatever is missing. Meaning if you give money generously, the universe will fill that void with more money. If you cannot afford to give money, that is ok. Simply donating your time will also invoke a similar response from the universe.

The key is when you give your time or resources, you should do it from an attitude of gratitude. Do not expect to be rewarded simply because you are giving something away. Remember that is your responsibility to give generously, because you have been given something special to share with people who need it.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

LOA Day 32

This week has started out great. I obtained a new client on Monday and in the process checked off a business goal this month. In addition, the final phase of product development is scheduled to complete within the next week. For those who may not know, this would have been possible without taking action, and visualizing myself selling my new product.

Anything is possible and we can achieve more than we think, but you have to first start with a seed or an idea of what it is that you want. Then you have to nurture that idea by focusing only on what you want to achieve, rather than what you don't want to do or what mistakes you might make. The Law of Attraction is always neutral and does not "know" if a particular think is either good or bad for you. All it knows is that you are giving it attention. So focus on what you want, and you will receive it.

Finally in order to manifest whatever it is that you want, you have to believe that you already have it. This is where visualizing and neural reconditioning comes into play. Find a quiet place and close your eyes. If you like, you can also meditate for awhile before you start the visualization process. To do this simply picture in your minds eye what it is that you want. For instance if you want a new car or house, picture it in your mind. Focus on what it looks like, "see" the color of the object. Ask yourself what does it feel like? how does it smell? This will help facilitate and bring about what you want, but you need to do it everyday for at least 10-15 minutes.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

LOA Experiment Day 27 - Full Steam Ahead

It can be difficult to focus on business matters when there is a dip in sales. However, regardless of the the dip lasts a week or longer, it should not derail your long term goals. The Law of Attraction is always there, just waiting to be implemented. Instead of drawing negative thoughts towards yourself, take action and change the situation at hand.

For the past week I have gone through this period. The awkward feelings made me realize that I am growing. The little voice inside my head that says, "Look out those dreams are really big, what if you fail?" That little voice is like a deck hand at the front of the ship forewarning of possible danger. It's merely a defense mechanism that is warning our brain that we are entering unfamiliar territory. Instead of inviting doubt and failure, simply proclaim to yourself "I am the captain of this ship, this is where we are going, full steam ahead."

My life is changing and I am ready to go with the flow! I am starting to visualize my new house; what it feels like when I get home everyday from my dream business, and how I feel driving my new car. Staying focused on what keeps me passionate also allows for real growth as well.

I am so thankful for my family, friends, and clients. I have grown alot within the past month and I look forward to whatever else this month may have to offer. I accept abundance into my life and vow to always go with the flow!

Monday, July 7, 2008

I was given John Assaraf & Murray Smith's book The Answer on audio book by a family member recently. For those who may not know, John Assaraf was a key team member of the phenomenal book/movie The Secret. This book teaches how one can build a successful business utilizing the Law of Attraction, as well as a few other techniques not mentioned in The Secret.

The premise of the book is very simple and straight forward. Every successful company that has ever existed has started with a vision or seed by the person(s) who founded it. In order for the vision/seed to take root the power behind the idea must be viable. When most people start a business they are focused primarily on the how they will run their business. While it is necessary to think about this, it is important to remember that the how always comes after the vision and decision to act has been implemented.

As with any seed there is a gestation period before it can sprout. The Universe needs its' own time to line up and attract the people and resources needed to make any business successful. In addition, one must always remember that foce always negates. The more you try to force something to happen, the more it resists and pushes back on you. Therefore, ideas need time to germinate. In order for the law of attraction to be used effectively there are three laws to follow:

  1. The Law of Attraction

  2. The Law of Gestation

  3. The Law of Action

Said another way

  1. Be Purposeful

  2. Be Patient

  3. Be Active

Taking action is vital to success many areas of our lives. It is also one of the most overlooked principles for attraction abundance. We must take action or initative while we are waiting for the Universe to give us what we want in order to fulfill that want. It is almost as important as the focus and clarity. According the Author's, the most clarity equals the most results. Meaning, the more precise and clear you are about what it is that you want, the more tangible the results will become. I will be posting more about this book in the near future.

LOA Day 23 Experiment

The past three weeks have been amazing and have produced tangible results. This weekend my friend and I inched closer to finishing a project that we have been working on since January of this year. As a result, I am pleased to announce that the product development phase is winding down and we will begin the retail and distribution end of our venture.

When we started this endeavour I had no idea how or where it would lead. I was not even sure where we would produce our product. My friend and I did however plant the seed of what we were going to accomplish out into the Universe, and by taking action we were able to progress. Along the way there were people who said it could not be done, or that we were going to fail. I refused to listen their negativity and focused on what I knew I could achieve. I kept envisioning how this product could help bring happiness and confidence to people; which was key in keeping me motivated to see this project to completion.

While we are still progressing, I am very confident that our product will have a huge impact on people. I believe you must first have a clear idea of what you want to achieve, then you have to allow the Universe time to gather the resources that you will need, and finally you have to take action to draw it into your life. Keeping it simple the key to success.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

The Secret

The first twenty minutes of The Secret:

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Hello July! LOA Day 19

July started off where June ended. I have pick up two new clients in the past two days. In addition I have expanded my business to South Africa and Hawaii. Again this is nothing short of a miracle. I wake up everyday and give thanks for the opportunity to serve. My life has changed, along with my outlook of what is possible. I am confident about how to grow my business and I look forward to inspiring others.