Wednesday, October 27, 2010

LOA Season 7: Day 85

What a great week it has been for business. I've made multiple sales in the past three days and new clients are clamoring to do business with me. It is very reassuring to know that the past year has been worth it. From the quiet introspective nights, to the blazing hot sun, the bustle of 2010 is nearly done; but as the season changes so too does my financial outlook. Yes indeed financial prosperity is upon me. That which I've requested for well over a year is now in my possession.

The feelings of accomplishment and success have become attracted to me like a magnet, an unshakable vibration is surrounding my entire being and wrapping it in a secure light. I am so thankful and grateful to Almighty God for giving me the opportunity to live a productive and meaningful life.

In a couple hours I will be picking a friend up from the airport. I have not seen him in six years, but its time to build a stronger bond. Today is the day to live like no other.

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