Thursday, January 8, 2009

Season 2 - Day 73

In the end mother natures rules all! There was a 4.9 magnitude earthquake in Southern California this evening. It shook my house pretty good, and the neighbors dogs yelped like their fur was on fire. I mention this because no matter how big or full of ourselves we get, there is always a higher power or vibration that's stronger than us. Many people call this power Devine, and assign it many distinctive names. Those being God, Allah, Buddha, Karma, etc.

No matter what the name may be, the Law of Nature dictates that there will always be forces greater and stronger than us. Many people go through life falsely believing that they alone stand atop the Apex pyramid of the food chain. In reality, nothing could be further from the truth. Instead of the superficial lies or mistruths man tends to tell itself, we are all vulnerable at various points of existence.

I suppose the key to surviving and thriving is to except this and be humble for what The Universe has provided. When I look around the world and see the economic crisis, this simple lesson seems all but lost. Greed is destructive force, and it is this same greed that has caused the global meltdown. From the top down, socio-economic conditions are literally crumbling before our very eyes. What took years and even decades to create is collapsing in a matter of months.

In the wake of this impeding doom, something new and wonder is bound to grow. It has been said that, "a Renaissance can only begin after total destruction." How apropos and insightful that statement is. While giants who are "too big to fail" implode upon each other, the individual who is confident and quick to act can truly manifest their wildest dreams. Perhaps the shift is global power is natures way of correcting the imbalance man has created. This economic earthquake will shake everyone to their core, but when it subsides opportunities, new wealth, and dreams will be realized.

So as I write this and think about what may lay ahead in 2009, I am comforted in knowing that a plan of action is more important than ever. Life is begging to be lived, and those who are brave enough to seek it out will be rewarded justly. I am ready to seize my goals and achieve my dreams this year. This is my year and I will prove it to myself!!

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