Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Season 2 - Day 71

The doom and gloom predictions are reaching a fever pitch. No matter where you go, the global economic downturn is on everyone's lips. How we got to this point is a matter of debate and one in which Historians will write years from now. In the meantime, many vital questions remain unanswered.

According to the world's foremost trends researcher Gerald Celente, the founder of The Trends Research Journal, the American public is headed for the collapse of 2009 which will dwarf the Great Depression. It is important to remember that current events form future trends. Consumer confidence, retail sales, and the real estate markets are teetering on the brink of collapse. In the early portion of this year, we will witness chain stores, mega malls, and to big to fail companies closing their doors forever. This unavoidable problem will stem from the commercial real estate market that is yet to emerge from the closure of failed companies such Linnen's N Things, Circuit City, KayBee Toys, Starbucks, and so on.

The plethora of empty strip malls, office parks, and skyscrapers are going to be around for a long time to come. This problem will not go away in a year or even two. As such, many people are left wondering how to make money in the coming year. While it may be difficult for some people to make ends meet, others will thrive just fine. Consider that what is bad for Wall Street is good for Main Street. Meaning these mega mall and chain store closures will bring about prosperity for little mom and pop or main street businesses. The big push for 2009 will be to buy local and support local merchants and shops. The gaps created by failed mega corporations provide opportunities for quick moving entrepreneurs.

Believe it or not fortunes are made in recessions, and this year will prove that. In order to succeed it is important more than ever to have a plan, a roadmap that points to a destination or end game. No matter how bleak things may look, there is always a silver lining. The old economic complex is dying, and as such something new is being born. A Renaissance always follows destruction and 2009 is no exception. Think big, act quick, and money will follow. Here's to making this year prosperious for everyone!

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