Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Season 2 - Day 72

Today has been challenging for me. I know that as a LOA practitioner, maintaining a healthy outlook on life perpetuates more opportunities, but today has just pissed me off. What really gets me is that I am holding on to useless anger that is dragging me down. I love the felling of running a successful business and paying my bills on time.

I closed a huge deal for my business 10 days ago, after two months of hard work. To date the check has not arrived and its putting pressure on some relationships. I am so grateful for landing the job and everything went smoothly. I was promised money on Friday, which is great, but I needed money earlier. Amidst the economic slowdown, a big project is a blessing, some people have real problems, but when rent's due its another matter.

In the build up of today, I snapped and said somethings I shouldn't have. Moments of weakness show how far I've come and how much further I need to go. Growing is painful but necessary in order to fulfill one's life path. If it were easy to reach success everyone would do it while sleeping, but alas life is not that way. Goals are achieved by working smarter not harder and perhaps the lesson I'm learning requires then mindset.

On a much brighter and happier note I was also able to send new products to a customer today. It felt good knowing that my products will bring self-confidence and happiness to someone's life. My wish is that all my current and future customers love and enjoy the service I have to offer. Deep down 2009 will be a year of prosperity for me, and the The Universe is already at work to bring all that I desire to me.

When life gets rough, Just Say FUCK IT and keep pushing on!!

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