Friday, January 14, 2011

LOA Season 8: Day 59

The future is bright and all encompassing to those who are brave enough to stare into it. The second full work week of 2011 is almost in the books. Thankfully, the miracles of the Universe have been poured out and are bathing me in its light. So far my company has attracted and gained more clients this January, as compared to the previous five before it, and I'm loving every moment of every minute of it. A real sense of purpose and direction is setting in and a path has been paved for me to travel upon.
As the year unfolds it is becoming clearer and clearer that Success, Love, Patience, Joy, Prosperity, and other higher mind intangibles are now presenting themselves in very unique ways. Three years ago I when this all started, I was in a different space and time in every way possible. Fast forward and its a new game entirely. An industry has sprung up which accepts the skills and talents that I possess. More importantly, I no longer feel as if I am waiting around. All things come full circle and I can move and innovate with my own free will.
On the NGO front, our Youtube page has attracted over 215,000 people and we are rocketing towards half a million by years end. Not only that but our twitter following is expanding each and every day. People really take what I say seriously and I vow to be honest and forthright at all times. This year will be about transparency and honesty. The more that I stand for both the more people will take note and listen. We all have front row seats to the future, for it already walk in today.

Monday, January 10, 2011

LOA Season 8: Day 54 Not Guilty

A major shift occurred this morning in a blink of an eye. For the past five years I have been engaged in a legal dispute. What started as a simple misunderstanding ballooned into accusations. I did my homework and recruited the best lawyer in the area for this specific case. Today was the our day in court and in one stroke of a pen, the judge threw out the case and I emerged victorious.

It hasn't quite set in yet, but a dark chapter of my life is finally over. I have been a new lease on freedom and life. It is my intention to make the most out of every day by thanking God for the Liberties and personal Freedoms that I still posses. In addition, it is now becoming clearer the path that I must now choose.

Over the last two months, many thousands of people from all walks of life have come to rely and depend on me. More specifically the services that my business can offer. Of course clients come and go, some wanting different things, but it is my character and charisma that keeps them coming back and referring others to me. Like a giant magnet the winds of prosperity and success are attracted to it and that will never end. This is the year that my dreams come true. This is the year that my hearts desire will sing out and accept the blessings from the Universe.

God has blessed me and kept me safe through a very difficult period on my life. Along the way my friends and family have gone out of their way to show me love and kindness. I am thankful for all of this and so much more. Life is waiting to begin and I am seizing it now!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

LOA Season 8: Day 49

The first mid week of 2011 and I am blazing a hot trail through space and time. This month is and will always be about redemption and Love of the Universe and more importantly God's Love. Money and Unlimited Resources are flowing to me like an endless tide, washing across great oceans to reach me. I am thankful and choose to move forward with life, shifting forward and looking towards the horizon.

A new year to decide whom to share joy, inspiration, and harmony with. Financial prosperity and limitless amounts of cash are waiting for me to pluck from. In the end however, it is the how that truly matters. How are the blessings, talents, and energy going to be expelled? How will it better the intended audience? So many decisions and yet I move along.

Today is a great to finish the projects that I have worked on for the past two years. I will ensure and embrace prosperity, achieve my hearts desire, and build upon my life's work and goals. All this is possible and I am eternally grateful for the opportunity.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

LOA Season 8: Day 45 Happy New Year

The rush of a New Year has encompassed me from head to toe. The next 364 days are going to be filled with extraordinary events and circumstances that will find favor with me and the causes in which I support. When I look forward to 2011, many possibilities present themselves, including financial independence and freedom.

I am beyond optimistic about this year, as I know so much awaits me. From traveling to foreign lands, to opening new accounts. Everything that I earn will be a direct blessing from God and the Universe. I feeling of abundance and acceptance is settling in for the first time in years. I love who I am and where I've been.

Life is amazing and full of hope. May I capitalize on it and seize every moment of 2011. Here's to a great year!!

Monday, December 20, 2010

LOA Season 8: Day 33

Wow has this season moved! Day thrity three has been off to a great start. The rain has been steady for the past four days, gray skies, cold wind, my kind of weather. Another year is almost done, the book of 2010 about to close.

To my suprise business has been booming larger and faster than ever. It seems as if every day a new client is added and our services are in demand. Just today a client requested more services and additional support. I am so thankful and lucky to have been blessed, God is so good to me!

When it comes to resonating on a higher plain or frequency, I've learned to shift my mind towards a more positive and responsive outlook. Meditation has certainly helped to focus my attention like a lazer in the direction of success and financial independence. In the past two and a half years alot of personal and professional changes have occured within me. Since June of 2008 here is what I've managed to achieve:
  • Started a Non-profit Organization
  • Managed a food line
  • Attracted over 200,000 visitors to Youtube Page
  • Bought new car in 2010
  • Involved in a TV show
  • Networking with more people quality people than before

2010 has been a great year for me. There has been peaks and valleys, but I'm still alive, my freedom is secure, and my health is fine. The Universe/God has been very generous to me and my family. My intention is to live each day to its' fullest, to give back to my community, and grow into the man I'm suppose to become.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

LOA Season 8: Day 15

What a fabulous week I am having. The last six days have been an exhilarating and interesting to say the least. First I must give thanks to God for providing me with the ability to create and shape a better future. His love and guidance has brought forth a new sense of purpose and direction.

Today has been an interesting day. New people are entering my life at key moments to assist in the transformation of me. It does feel great to know that what I do is important to so many people. God has blessed me and I enjoy the feelings of Love, Patience, Generosity, and Abundance. For all the twists and turns in 2010, I'm glad my feet are back on Terra-fir ma, and next year will be even more outstanding than this one.

In the remaining twenty nine days of this year I am committed to expanding my business, meeting new clients and enjoying the diversity of running a successful operation. Luckily things are on the up and up; money and success are flowing to me like a powerful magnet. No doubt the networking and meeting of new people are working beyond what I could have expected. Looking forward to continued blessings and will give back to those in need. The home stretch within sight.

Friday, November 26, 2010

LOA Season 8: Day 9

The past two days have been incredible. I have made many new people, sold new contracts, and have more clients ready to purchase my products at a moments notice. Not only that, but the energy and love that has been coming to me is outstanding.

Today I met a cool dude who has been waiting all year to meet someone who could help him. It feels so great to know that many people are in need of me. Not just what I provide, but the intangibles, like friendship, generosity, compassion, understanding. Qualities that set me aside from others and those which win favor with everyone. How great life can be when we simply allow change to enter.

God has blessed me so much, and it because of him that I can hang my head high and be proud of who I am. Among all else, I know that the Universe is working to deliver me quality patients who are worthy and in need. The responsibilities that have been given to me are real, and I take them very seriously. Here's to a great day and even better tomorrow.