Monday, December 20, 2010

LOA Season 8: Day 33

Wow has this season moved! Day thrity three has been off to a great start. The rain has been steady for the past four days, gray skies, cold wind, my kind of weather. Another year is almost done, the book of 2010 about to close.

To my suprise business has been booming larger and faster than ever. It seems as if every day a new client is added and our services are in demand. Just today a client requested more services and additional support. I am so thankful and lucky to have been blessed, God is so good to me!

When it comes to resonating on a higher plain or frequency, I've learned to shift my mind towards a more positive and responsive outlook. Meditation has certainly helped to focus my attention like a lazer in the direction of success and financial independence. In the past two and a half years alot of personal and professional changes have occured within me. Since June of 2008 here is what I've managed to achieve:
  • Started a Non-profit Organization
  • Managed a food line
  • Attracted over 200,000 visitors to Youtube Page
  • Bought new car in 2010
  • Involved in a TV show
  • Networking with more people quality people than before

2010 has been a great year for me. There has been peaks and valleys, but I'm still alive, my freedom is secure, and my health is fine. The Universe/God has been very generous to me and my family. My intention is to live each day to its' fullest, to give back to my community, and grow into the man I'm suppose to become.

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