Wednesday, October 27, 2010

LOA Season 7: Day 85

What a great week it has been for business. I've made multiple sales in the past three days and new clients are clamoring to do business with me. It is very reassuring to know that the past year has been worth it. From the quiet introspective nights, to the blazing hot sun, the bustle of 2010 is nearly done; but as the season changes so too does my financial outlook. Yes indeed financial prosperity is upon me. That which I've requested for well over a year is now in my possession.

The feelings of accomplishment and success have become attracted to me like a magnet, an unshakable vibration is surrounding my entire being and wrapping it in a secure light. I am so thankful and grateful to Almighty God for giving me the opportunity to live a productive and meaningful life.

In a couple hours I will be picking a friend up from the airport. I have not seen him in six years, but its time to build a stronger bond. Today is the day to live like no other.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

LOA Season 7: Day 79 - Telling it like it is

For some reason or another it has occurred to me that perhaps I've bit my tongue to often and never frankly told people how I feel. Mind you there is a difference between being conceited and giving it straight up. While many people will be put off by this approach, it is far better to be honest, than to be liked. After the initial shock has dissipated, many will even come to view the honest party in higher regard.

I first must give thanks to Almighty God for allowing me the opportunity to make additional sales this week. The past 48 hours has netted two more clients with many more by Friday. It feels extremely rewarding to know that people from diverse backgrounds come together and celebrate the services that I provide. I live for moments like this, when the Universe delivers that which we most desire. Miracles happen in the precious moments between stating and receiving.

As the week winds down it is my intention to find it worthwhile and joyful to sell more of my products and services to people who truly value and appreciate it. It is also my intention to earn over $750 and something better by Saturday. I give thanks to God for delivering to my family the gift of Love and unprecedented prosperity.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

LOA Season 7: Day 77

Lucky 777 is the energy that's being attracted to me. I learned again that another new client has decided to use my products with more on the way. In addition it has also come to my attention that a new business venture may be within my grasp. A new way to due business and earn a larger net income.

As October rolls along it is also becoming very clear that the Universe is delivering to me the financial prosperity and security that I've been requesting throughout the year. An optimistic view in January has turned into positive cash flow and a new financial paradigm in three hundred days.

My life is now in transition. I feel the inner core of my being growing and developing beyond what was possible just a year ago. I've lived and learned so much in 2010, and yet it is only the beginning. As the week progresses it will be my prime directive to establish new clientele while attracting over $2500 and something better. The game has been set and it's now my turn to bask in the warmth of success and recognition.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

LOA Season 7: Day 72

The buzz is out and I'm the talk of the town. My business has landed three new accounts and possibly much more. Yesterday felt like a rhythm that drew me closer; movement and purpose filled the day with happiness. I've learned that life should be lived by one's own terms, never letting in and letting go.

It's been a very interesting year and I've managed to achieve varying degrees of success. For starters I now take it upon myself to set goals or milestones. The time and moment is now for unlimited prosperity, but it takes great intangibles like Integrity, Diligence, Humility, and Love. Characteristics not revered in a fast food and on demand world. However, to the victor go the spoils and it is my turn to reap the rewards given by God.

The past two days have given me a chance to pause on what's truly important. Images of the Chilean miners being hoisted to safety has allowed the world to see 33 miracles. It has been exhilarating and very emtional to witness the outpouring of Love, Hope, and Joy. There is beauty in the world and comes in all shapes and forms. Nothing is without purpose or disconnected to the Almight Creator. This week has lifted my spirits and made me feel secure in who I am and what I stand for.

Today is another chance to experience the beauty of life. It is my intention to find it fun and enjoyable to connect with potential customers who depend on my products and services. I deserve success.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

LOA Season 7: Day 71

This week is off to a running start. The years work is only yet begun. The doubting Thomas's of the world like to say in emphatic terms that things are over before it can grow. There are no blooms on roses or opportunities for making dreams come true. How jaded the other half live. Full of self doubt, angst, and a mental outlook that condones mediocrity.

For me I choose to view the world through a different set of lenses. I prefer to see colors of the world and the diversity upon which life flurishes. As the days turn by it feels good to know that life is moving with me. I'm taking action towards my goals, and the Universe is granting me that which I want.

Today is the time when money flows to me with ease. It is my goal to make more sales than ever this week, month, and year. I love helping those who need it most and will continue to do so with ease.

It is my intention to find it enjoyable and fulfilling to assist 1,000 clients/customers in the month of October.

Monday, October 4, 2010

LOA Season 7: Day 62

What a great weekend! The past few days have been exciting and quite profitable at the same time. I was fortunate enough to spend time with friends, and enjoy a live sporting event while being buzzed. It's weekends like this that truly bring joy and happiness to me.

As this week starts I am reminded of the wonderful opportunity that has been given to me. At the start of this year I formulated a plan, a long term plan that would require other people to pull their weight. Needless to say this was an ambitious plan and if executed properly would be a great business model for the future.

A rainy spring, hot summer, and now uncertain weather has stood in the way for so long. Nature's course would have to run before it would produce. Time is always the wildcard when business and other people are involved, yet this year is the year for everything to tie together. There are no separate pieces, everything is intertwined and with purpose for me. The key is to focus upon that which brings me to another day and another paradigm.

In other words it has been an exciting seven months. The year is winding down as I'm starting up. The time is certainly now and it is a great time to be alive. Life will never be the same again. Praise to God for blessing me.