Sunday, August 30, 2009

Season 4: Day 58

The weekend is wrapping up and I am focusing on the new week at hand. I would like to achieve so much, yet I also want to spend quality time with friends, family, and those that I care most about. The world has a tendency to demand success, the accumulation of wealth and material possessions, etc....

In the end what do these things really do? Clothes, cares, houses, vacations, and other tangible things are great; however I know there is more to life than meets the eye. Much has been written and expressed on the subject, and still it seems to be the object of so much desire and attention. Yes it is nice to own material things, and yes they can make your life better. But one must consider that everything has its place within the Universe.

As the sacred scripture and song say, to everything there is a time and place under heaven. A time to live, a time to die, a time to heal, a time to love. There is nothing more important than friends and family. In the end they are the only people who will truly care about you and love you when the rest of the world wants nothing more than to suck you in and spit you out. Such harsh words and merely the facts upon which the modern world is constructed upon.

Therefore the object would be to circumvent the labels and limitations which are instilled in so many people. It takes courage, fortitude, determination, diligence, and virtue to "cut the mustard." As stated before, the Secret to life is really no secret at all. In order to live big, one must think big. There are so many business ventures, political causes, and humanitarian opportunities that are larger than life.

If an extraordinary life is desired, then extraordinary measures and actions will be required. There is nothing wrong with thinking big; the real issue comes in manifesting that which moves, touches, and inspires with motivation and passion.

My goal is to acquire more patience and a calmer demeanor, because I want to live a more peaceful life. I am committed to this and will do what is necessary to fulfill this goal. I can and will achieve a calm and productive life.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Season 4: Day 55

The word of the day is TCB, or taking care of business. So far I have secured a location for a workshop in October, and I am in the process of attracting over 15 new students in which to teach.

Also, I am in the process of closing another work related job, and will receive payment within the next two days. As the last week in August winds down, I am proud to say that business has started to pick up for me. The beginning of this year was horribly slow and my business suffered. However, the workload has increased as of late and I've been receiving steady income for the past couple of months.

As the day unfolds, I have decided to focus on editing my books and I will have one printed by the end of Sept. It has been a long journey, but I am ready to finish the task at hand. I am in the process of acquiring unlimited wealth and sustain unprecedented success. This is my time and my opportunity to shine.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Season 4: Day 53

I suppose life can be a double edged sword at times. The vet told me that my dog has heart problem, but it's still early to tell. I know we all have a limited time on this earth, which is why every day is important.

Perhaps my dog was put into my life for a reason. Maybe that reason was to be more merciful, patient, and understanding with other people and animals. My life certainly has come full circle with these past two years.

When I visualize my new house, I am also visualizing my dogs living peacefully with me. I love knowing that this will manifest soon, and that it is only a matter of time before I move to the East Coast.

Life is waiting to be lived and I am going to live it now!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Season 4: Day 49 - The Time is Now

Outside the Friday mid-day sky is overcast and mild. The summer is winding down and Fall will be here in less than six weeks. A time to change, a season to learn, and a life to live all revolve around the ringing of the future. What new adventures lay over the horizon? What untold stories await to be lived? These are the questions that run through my thoughts and echo within me.

This summer has been a time of rapid change for me. I'm emerged as a teacher, leader, and listener. My life is undergoing an overhaul; the new dreams and goals that I have are in the process of being manifested. I know, my soul knows, that a new house in Virginia awaits me.

For today I have decided to focus on finishing my books and look forward to selling them by the end of Sept.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Season 4: Day 47

The day is off and I'm running with the pack. Today I'm focused on my work and what I can accomplish. My books are in the editing process and I love the idea of selling them when they're done. More and more I feel the joy and sense of accomplishment when all of the loose ends are tied together.

I have a financial goal for the remainder of the year. I have decided to be open and receptive to whatever the Universe may bring me. Until the end of 2009, I am in the process of allowing the Universe to give me $60,000. The amount represents what I believe to be a fair and capable sum, and which will keep me motivated, focused, and charitable. My time to shine is now and I am ready for the opportunity in which to showcase my skills and talents.

Moreover, it has become apparent that the LOA working effectively in my life. My life's work is to bring happiness and joy to as many people as possible. I know this can be done through various networks and friendships that I have acquired thus far. I believe that my life's work will bring forth a legacy that will remain eternal, but it must begin again every day. Diligence is a virtue and one that has been instilled in me since I've been a young man. My goal is to build upon this with all of my passion, joy, and enthusiasm; even when I feel the exact opposite.

My new car, house, and future awaits for the taking. I am answering the call.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

LOA: Chemical Dependency Reduction

Season 4: Day 46

Whenever I doubt the effectiveness of the LOA, I am reminded of a "strange" thought I had two months ago. Earlier this summer I visualized myself driving a specific car. In fact I even went so far as to request that it be a black colored car. Not thinking about how or when this event would manifest itself into my life, I proceeded to go about my life.

That is until last Friday, when Enterprise rental cars gave me the keys to a 2008 Black Ford Fusion. The car is responsive, fast, and sleek. Further intangible qualities that I had specifically requested included a roomy interior and good fuel mileage. Not surprisingly all this came together and the Universe is showing me how much it is willing to go for me, if I simply ask.

Today I am in the process of finishing my first book. Also, I am in the beginning phase of creating a second book. My goal is to have two top selling books which will each sell a minimum of 10,000 copies each. Additionally, I intend to sell the nine mp3 downloads that I have available on I have been blessed with the capacity to create success and I am in the process of achieving unlimited prosperity, health, and well being.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Season 4: Day 40 Keeping up with myself

Time, energy, motion, conscious awareness. Such terms meant nothing to me until just recently. The past ten days have been full of excitement, passion, frustration, joy, and accomplishment. While it may be true that the enjoyment of life has kicked in, it is also true that demands of punctuality, precision, and accountability have also ramped up.

If I had had to sum up the ten days that have past since the last post, it would simply be "awesome baby!" My company closed a deal and received just compensation for a job well done. The meetup group in which I run is off to a great start and I love meeting the new members. On a more personal level, my NGO has received well over 22,000 views on Youtube in the past six months. In addition I now have nine available downloads on

For the remainder of the week I will focus on creating new shows and topics for my internet radio show. When I stop to think about how blessed I am, a sense of determination and drive sets in. Perhaps it has to do with the unfinished business that I am completing, or the fact that I am indeed growing as a person. Whatever the case maybe, it has become undeniable to me that life is an uncultivated pearl. The treasures and rewards are waiting for those who actively search and pursue their "perfect pearl."

This is the year that I will attract a new home in which to live in. This is my time to achieve the financial abundance that I've been talking about all year. I have arrived at the nexus point in space and time where my dreams and full potential meet with absolute unity. I am thankful for life and for the opportunity to live it.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Season 4:Day 30 -The Guns of August

Yesterday was a great day. For the first time in about three years I went to an extended family gathering. I saw the new editions to my family; cousins, step cousins, etc... I suppose the "normal" family exists either in factitious 1950's tv or in Norman Rockwell paintings, because mine is far from it. Yet somehow no matter how far apart we seem to get, something will bring us together again.

I managed to hit a few golf balls for the first time in years, and felt great. My first reaction was of shock, disbelief, and even joy at my performance on the driving range. It has been over 8 yrs. since I have swung a golf club, but just like riding a bike it all comes back in the end.

In life I suppose we go through our ups and downs. Times when things seem to come so easily, and other times we simply but our talents on the shelf for another day. Suddenly the "another day" is years down the line, and a sense of urgency sets in. On such occasions we either continue to do nothing or we embrace the urgency and redirect the energy and focus into refining the activity, skill, or job at hand.

As the summer slinks away I am reminded of how great life can be. The skill sets and passions of a extraordinary life are there for the taking; but they have to be realized to maximize potential. Finally, one has to eventually stand up and say "Yes I am willing to accept that which comes with an extraordinary life." Far too often many people are willing to accept a mediocre and uneventful life. What these people fail to see is that it requires the same amount of energy to cling to an average life, when that same energy could be channeled to create the most exciting and rewarding life for oneself.

This thinking is not selfish, nor is it simply the matter of "wishful thinking." Some of the greatest entrepreneurs, scientists, and athletes have all realized that at some point or another, it takes the same amount of energy to either create or destroy a dream, a goal, or brighter future. The question then becomes at what point do you want to live your dreams? How far are you willing to go to achieve your life's work?

A person will achieve whatever they set their minds too. Criminals who get caught in the act of committing their crimes get caught due to action. People who sit on their couch and watch their life slip away due so because of action as well. Thus the paradigm of choosing ones course wisely comes into play. Yet many people never realize this, and instead choose to make excuses for their status in life.

Again every culture and every religious belief has suggested that we are given the ability to create and shape our life; while indirectly shaping the lives of those we come in contact with. As August begins anew, so do I. This month will lead me further to unparalleled success, and widen my horizons on which to make it happen.