Saturday, June 28, 2008

LOA Experiment Day 15

Today has forever cemented my belief in the Law of Attraction. Two short term goals were attained this week. Earlier in the week I made a request to the Universe. I wanted to attract new clients by the end of the week. I was not sure how these clients would appear, or what they would need, but I remained focused on this goal.

I opened my email today and was overwhelmed when I discovered my fifth new client of the week was solidified. In four days I obtained five new clients, simply an amazing feat. However great this may be, it is not the end of the story. When I started this experiment over two weeks ago, I desperately wanted to attract 10 new clients. I knew it could be possible, but nothing short of a miracle would allow this to manifest itself. Fast forward to today and my new client not only became the fifth of this week, but also became the tenth this month. I am so grateful for everything and feel humbled by the opportunity to serve people.

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