Thursday, June 12, 2008

How to Use the Law of Attraction in Business

The law of attraction is a universal law that many people believe governs everyone, everywhere. You can try to use it in your business endeavors. If you've been waiting for a promotion, big break or new opportunity for far too long all you need is the positive energy to attract it.

Step 1

Understand how the law of attraction works. All matter and energy in the universe attracts matter and energy with a like vibration. This means, on a basic level, that positive energy draws positive results and negative energy draws negative results. The law is neutral. It functions whether you are aware of it or not, so by putting forth some effort in focusing your energy you may use it to your benefit.

Step 2

Focus intently and with positive energy on achieving your desired results. This is more difficult than it seems, because you have to focus on the positive results you would like to achieve and block out the negative energy of a fear of failure.

Step 3

Exercise patience. An easy way to negate all of your positive energy is by wondering when your results will happen as this casts the negative emotion of doubt on your focus.

Step 4

Allow the law to take place. You must have an open mind to see the positive results your energy has drawn, because the results may not always be exactly what you intend. Having a very specific business offer in mind, for example, may not end up with the results you intend, but your positive energy may open up other opportunities that you had not considered or even known about.

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