Monday, June 23, 2008

LOA Day 9 Experiement - Found Gold

What a crazy day! For the past five weeks I have been working with two other people to locate exposed gold in a mountain range in California. After an initial scouting trip assessed the terrain and possible site location, we made our attempt to extract the gold.

The hike to the site was a grueling 3.5 mile (7km) uphill journey through a dry river bed. It took four hours to navigate through the extremely rocky terrain, and after a few breaks we found the 140 foot search area that contained the exposed gold. To our surprise the exposed gold was "mineralized" into the rock and therefore left no actual nuggets or coins.

Despite this set back, I do not feel the least disappointed. I had been visualizing attracting and finding gold for the past week and to find this made me feel great, a little tired from hiking, but nonetheless excited. The mountain range spans over 150square miles and to think that we successfully pinpointed a 140 (45 square meter) square area is simply phenominal.

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