Today is exactly the two week mark in my Law of Attraction experiment. The past two weeks have been phenomenal. I've attracted more sales, abundance, gratitude, and happiness than I could have ever imagined. At this point I definitely feel the law of attraction working, and it is a real thing that we can tap into everyday.
I say this because yesterday I attracted not one, but two new clients. In addition this morning I gained yet another one. Thus far, six new clients have been added to clientele list, more than the previous 2 months combined. In addition I also managed to pull off a workshop that was destined to be cancelled. The power of thoughts are tangible and can change our way of being if we only allow them to. I feel very blessed and grateful for what I have received within the past two weeks. I love knowing that I attract clients, money, and happiness easily. Above all else, I am committed to sharing my knowledge and experiences regarding the law of attraction.
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