Monday, June 30, 2008

LOA Day 17 - Good Bye June

Today is the last day in a phenominal month. This morning I added another client. This now brings the total of new clients to thirteen for the month of June. I cannot believe how unbelievably prosperous this month was for me and my business. As miraculous as June was, I am already looking forward to July and the new clients that I attract and serve. I am so grateful for everything that I have been given.

I have found a purpose for my business, and the new meaning has the ability to access unlimited potential. I love knowing that I will make another sale and attract more abundance into my life. See you in July!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

LOA Experiment Day 16

Gained another client this morning. This brings a total of six new clients in five days, and eleven within this month. I am amazed, humbled, joyful, and excited about the tangible results gained by implementing the Law of Attraction. Take a moment and simply allow yourself to embrace the dreams and aspriations you have for your life. It's ok to allow abundance into your life.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

LOA Experiment Day 15

Today has forever cemented my belief in the Law of Attraction. Two short term goals were attained this week. Earlier in the week I made a request to the Universe. I wanted to attract new clients by the end of the week. I was not sure how these clients would appear, or what they would need, but I remained focused on this goal.

I opened my email today and was overwhelmed when I discovered my fifth new client of the week was solidified. In four days I obtained five new clients, simply an amazing feat. However great this may be, it is not the end of the story. When I started this experiment over two weeks ago, I desperately wanted to attract 10 new clients. I knew it could be possible, but nothing short of a miracle would allow this to manifest itself. Fast forward to today and my new client not only became the fifth of this week, but also became the tenth this month. I am so grateful for everything and feel humbled by the opportunity to serve people.

Friday, June 27, 2008

LOA Experiment Day 14

Today is exactly the two week mark in my Law of Attraction experiment. The past two weeks have been phenomenal. I've attracted more sales, abundance, gratitude, and happiness than I could have ever imagined. At this point I definitely feel the law of attraction working, and it is a real thing that we can tap into everyday.

I say this because yesterday I attracted not one, but two new clients. In addition this morning I gained yet another one. Thus far, six new clients have been added to clientele list, more than the previous 2 months combined. In addition I also managed to pull off a workshop that was destined to be cancelled. The power of thoughts are tangible and can change our way of being if we only allow them to. I feel very blessed and grateful for what I have received within the past two weeks. I love knowing that I attract clients, money, and happiness easily. Above all else, I am committed to sharing my knowledge and experiences regarding the law of attraction.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

LOA Experiement Day 13

An interesting phenomena has taken root in my life. A force so strong that it defies explanation or logic. Last night before heading off to bed I found a quiet place to visualize/magnetize more sales. Suddenly an outline of a male figure popped into my conscious awareness. After a while I had the distinct impression that his name started with the letter J. I thought perhaps his name was James, Jim, Jason, or possibly Justin. After about 15-20 minutes of visualizing I stopped and got ready for bed.

This morning I received confirmation that indeed a guy by the name of Justin who lives in the Mid-Western part of the United States would indeed be my new client. This is simply an amazing turn of events in my life, and I am completely overwhelmed with a feeling of humbleness, gratitude, and joy.

The Law of attraction is a tangible thing that can work if you allow it to. Make today the day you decide to live out your dreams!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

How to take Responsibility

There comes a point in everyone's life when they must take responsibility for what they are attracting into it. Here is something to consider.

LOA Experiement Day 12

The past two weeks have been a period of profound transformation. June has quickly become a month full of pleasant surprises and unexpected miracles. The previous day and night I found a quiet place to close my eyes and visualize what I would like to have/achieve. I found myself visualizing and magnetizing new clients to me. I pictured what they physically looked liked, what I would say to them, and how they would respond.

During this process I imagined putting the sales that I wanted to achieve, as well as the feelings of already achieving those sales in a red balloon. I then let the balloon go and if flew away out into the Universe, carrying the message of what I wanted. After visualizing this scenario, which about 25 minutes in total, I opened my eyes and continued my day.

This morning I opened my email and sure enough, I had obtained a new client who already submitted an order. I processed their information and a sale was made! I am so greatful for this person and for The Law of Attraction bringing this person into my life. I firmly believe abundance is everywhere and we choose to attract it or send it away.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Another Inspiration Mind movie

Another Great Mind Movie

Monday, June 23, 2008

LOA Day 9 Experiement - Found Gold

What a crazy day! For the past five weeks I have been working with two other people to locate exposed gold in a mountain range in California. After an initial scouting trip assessed the terrain and possible site location, we made our attempt to extract the gold.

The hike to the site was a grueling 3.5 mile (7km) uphill journey through a dry river bed. It took four hours to navigate through the extremely rocky terrain, and after a few breaks we found the 140 foot search area that contained the exposed gold. To our surprise the exposed gold was "mineralized" into the rock and therefore left no actual nuggets or coins.

Despite this set back, I do not feel the least disappointed. I had been visualizing attracting and finding gold for the past week and to find this made me feel great, a little tired from hiking, but nonetheless excited. The mountain range spans over 150square miles and to think that we successfully pinpointed a 140 (45 square meter) square area is simply phenominal.

LOA Experiement Day 8

On Jun 21, 2008 I assisted in the facilitation of my first remote viewing workshop. I have previous written about how this event was almost cancelled, due to lack of interest and access to a facility with proper amenities. As a result I began to visualize an optimum facility with enough room to accommodate between 15-20 people.

As a result 17 pre-paid people attended and workshop and made it a huge success.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Awesome Mind Movie

Here is a great example of a mind movie.

Creating a Mind Movie

Every once a while an idea comes along and literally changes the course of some peoples lives. This idea is called Mind Movies, and it is taking the Internet by storm. The concept is relatively simple.

Step 1: Surf the net and find cool pictures that inspire and motive you. This can include your dream car, ideal house, a vacation destination, piles of money, or whatever you like.

Step 2: Gather the photos you have collected and create a short 3 min. to 4 min. video. Add some effects, create motivational phrases that inspire you, and set it to music. You can use Windows movie maker or whatever program you fell comfortable using. Of course you can also visit to learn more about the process.

LOA Day 6 Experiment

What a great week this has been! Life never ceases to amaze me. Not more than two months ago I was flat broke and not sure how to make ends meet. Since hitting bottom I've changed my outlook on life and opted to look on the brighter side. I tend not to believe in coincidences so the good fortune that been bestowed upon me lately has been interesting to say the least.

For the past two days, I've really focused on magnetizing and attraction money to my business. As a result two new customers have been added to my clientele list. In addition these new customers purchased the exact items I visualized selling. I am so thankful for the opportunity to serve others while making them happy. I truly feel blessed!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

LOA Experiment Update Day 5

It's been an exciting five days since beginning the Law of Attraction (LOA) experiment. When you start something, you never know what the "end result" will be or where the journey will take you. It's essentially a kin to looking into a dimly lit room through dark lenses while blindfolded. While this may be disorienting for many, the key to success is perseverance and visualizing what you want. One cannot be successful without first laying the foundation; upon which abundance can build upon. So in conclusion here is a brief synapses of what The Universe has given to me during the past five days.

Day One: After two weeks of searching and calling, I finally located and secured a conference room to teach an upcoming workshop. As a result the workshop will not be cancelled and I will get the opportunity to teach 15 students. Again this was possible because I first visualized the room, the person who I would be speaking with, and I took action and drove around until the location was found. Initially I visualized the person whom I would meet to finalize the workshop location would be a heavy set woman with brown hair and a rounded face. Also with the budget that I have, I was looking to only spent $200 to secure the place. To my suprise when I walked into the office to secure the workshop location, I was met by a heavy set woman with curly shoulder length brown hair with a rounded face. I was further shocked when she told me the price would be exactly $200.

Day Two: I have been visualizing attracting money and abundance in my life, and after working on a project for over 5 weeks, the GPS coordinates of a possible treasure hunt was obtained. The initial scouting team was able to locate and determine the location and nearest recognizable features.

Day Three: Found a new vendor to carry a product line that I am working on with a friend.

Day Four: Took initiative with a friend to create a new product that will coming to market very soon. The re-designed prototypes look great and I am excited to be working with a friend who also believes in the Law of Attraction.

Day Five: Putting the finishing touches on the presentation and student materials for the student workshop. I am completely happy with the results thus far. Instead of cancelling, I now have 16 pre-paid students and a waiting list has been started to next month's workshop!

I am convinced the law of attraction works in my life. There have been too many coincidences within the past week alone to make me think differently. I will post more updates as the experiment progresses.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Law of Attraction experiment

As an entrepreneur I am constantly looking for ways to expand and promote my businesses. I have watched The Secret, and read a few articles regarding the law of attraction online. Over the next few weeks I will catalog and share my experiences with the Law of Attraction.

The experiment will cover a broad range of topics. I will focus on current relationships between family and friends, building a stronger business, Spirituality, and devoting my time to hobbies that interest me. I have no idea what might appear over the horizon, however I accept what ever may come my way.

I am interested in hearing from other people who would like to share their experiences, so please add your comments and thoughts.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

How to Use the Law of Attraction in Business

The law of attraction is a universal law that many people believe governs everyone, everywhere. You can try to use it in your business endeavors. If you've been waiting for a promotion, big break or new opportunity for far too long all you need is the positive energy to attract it.

Step 1

Understand how the law of attraction works. All matter and energy in the universe attracts matter and energy with a like vibration. This means, on a basic level, that positive energy draws positive results and negative energy draws negative results. The law is neutral. It functions whether you are aware of it or not, so by putting forth some effort in focusing your energy you may use it to your benefit.

Step 2

Focus intently and with positive energy on achieving your desired results. This is more difficult than it seems, because you have to focus on the positive results you would like to achieve and block out the negative energy of a fear of failure.

Step 3

Exercise patience. An easy way to negate all of your positive energy is by wondering when your results will happen as this casts the negative emotion of doubt on your focus.

Step 4

Allow the law to take place. You must have an open mind to see the positive results your energy has drawn, because the results may not always be exactly what you intend. Having a very specific business offer in mind, for example, may not end up with the results you intend, but your positive energy may open up other opportunities that you had not considered or even known about.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Five tips to remember about the Law of Attraction

Using the Law of Attraction in your life does is not hard, and it doesn't have to cost a lot. Here are five Law of Attraction tactics that will enable you to get the best out of your life.

Tip #1 - Positive Attitude - One of the simplest methods that you can use to improve the quality of your life, while using the Law of Attraction is to always maintain a positive outlook. When you have a positive attitude towards life, there is a good chance that it will attract other positive people, effects, and transformations. Even if events in your life do not seem particularly good, maintaining a positive outlook can lead to the transformation that you want. In reality, your positive outlook is getting you ready for the time that things improve. Always seeing the best in something, such as a less than perfect job, can enable you to be better placed in life, which paves leads the way for positive events to occur.

Tip #2 - Visualization - Another essential technique is to make a mental picture. It is vital that you actually picture where you want to be in your life. Picture yourself in a higher job, driving a more expensive car, being healthier financially, and you will then have the ability to draw what you need to enable those pictures to come to fruition. You can never really reach the position that you yearn for unless you have a definite idea of the direction you are taking, and by making the effort to continuously keep in mind where you see yourself can be helpful in discovering where you want to be, as well as helping you to reach your goal.

Tip #3 - Affirmations - Often, the word affirmation conjures up images of how other people can confirm your wants and needs, but when it is taken in the perspective of the Law of Attraction, affirmations are really down to you. You have to begin putting down in writing what you want, and then keep saying them to yourself repeatedly. The more often you say them aloud and confirm your dreams, the likelier it is that they will come true.

Tip #4 - Always Keep Your Eye on Your Goal - Maintaining a focus on your ambitions is an essential technique when you are considering the Law of Attraction. You do not want to be sidetracked by the negative situations that happen in your life, and you need to keep your eye on what you want to accomplish. The more focused you are on your ambitions, the greater the likelihood that you will achieve them.

Tip #5 - Move Forward - You can put into place as many plans as you like in your life, but if you do not act on them, they will all amount to nothing. As soon as you begin to have positive thoughts, picture where you would like to be, use affirmations, and keep focused on your ambitions, then you are ready to begin progressing towards your goal. It doesn't matter if you achieve large or small steps, but it is essential that you are always progressing forwards and not just staying in one place.

Every one of these strategies is important, and if you use them together they will undoubtedly have astonishing effects on your life. Begin to use these Law of Attraction techniques and good things will certainly happen.

The Law of attraction

The law of attraction has become a hot topic these days. Movies such as The Secret have exposed millions to the possibility of living in abundance. However, the law of attraction is much more than feeling good and thinking positively. The purpose of this blog is to tap into the vast resources and expertise regarding this subject. Please share your stories and experiences regarding the law of attraction in your own life.