Tuesday, September 21, 2010

LOA Season 7: Day 49

Today is day two of three consecutive birthdays for people I love. Many things are to be celebrated and cherished. I am truly blessed to have a family that is close to my heart. In addition, it is very nice to have friends that have contributed to my personal and professional growth/development.

As season seven nears the halfway point, I am reminded by how extreme the upcoming paradigm shift will be. New opportunities and experiences are now underway and projects are nearing completion. As the Autumn months turn again, my mind is set forth to find new goals and aspirations to ascend towards. Life is good when I am content, and the awakening of my inner person is stepping out towards the world. As an active participant in my life I feel a sense of worth or self confidence as the progression increases.

Day 49 is different from day 48 and those previous. It is a special day in which I am committed to giving my all towards. I enjoy who I am, the people that care for me, and those who I continue to touch and inspire. My radio program has surpassed 2500 listeners and my Youtube page has generated over 150,000 hits. God has blessed me and I give thanks and gratitude for it.

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