Monday, September 27, 2010

LOA Season 7: Day 55

The goal of this week is to solidify the current change and progress in life. The paradigm shift from May has entered its 120th day, and the results speak for themselves. In other words the progess that I've made so far is remarkable. I've taken action and formulated a plan that will secure my financial freedom.

Today I found myself looking at new property on which to invest and develop. I've decided to purchase some land, work it, and eventually resell it once the market returns. In the history of this country one thing is for certain; property always goes up, no matter where it may be. Taking this premise to heart, its time to make a move that will place me in a great financial position.

The past couple of days have been of development, and renewed interest in that which I own. I rented a bobcat and brought the lumber to my backyard. This morning I climbed on the roof and cleared out my gutter system by performing overall maintenance. This type of character building work has made me feel proud of that which I own. It feels so good to be blessed with tangible posessions.

It is my intention to expand business operations, and to enjoy what the Universe delivers. God it good to me.

Friday, September 24, 2010

LOA Season 7: Day 52

This week marked the birthdays of three special people in my life. All year I dream of this point, late September and the magic that early Autumn has to offer. How I wish this season would last forever.

Business is doing well and I'm pleased to announce that new products will be hitting the market within the next 2-4 weeks. Many people have speculated on the amount of money in which I can attract, yet I remain steadfast upon to possibility of created sustainable long term financial independence.

Yesterday my car was hit twice by someone backing out of my garage. I'm not proud of how I handled the situation; I lost my cool and got angry. The sight of my car with dents in the passenger door infuriated me, as the person who hit me refused to apologize after the second swipe.

The jury is still out on how this incident will affect the current relationship with this individual. I am committed to keeping all ties strong and will do what is necessary to expand all possibilities in my life.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

LOA Season 7: Day 49

Today is day two of three consecutive birthdays for people I love. Many things are to be celebrated and cherished. I am truly blessed to have a family that is close to my heart. In addition, it is very nice to have friends that have contributed to my personal and professional growth/development.

As season seven nears the halfway point, I am reminded by how extreme the upcoming paradigm shift will be. New opportunities and experiences are now underway and projects are nearing completion. As the Autumn months turn again, my mind is set forth to find new goals and aspirations to ascend towards. Life is good when I am content, and the awakening of my inner person is stepping out towards the world. As an active participant in my life I feel a sense of worth or self confidence as the progression increases.

Day 49 is different from day 48 and those previous. It is a special day in which I am committed to giving my all towards. I enjoy who I am, the people that care for me, and those who I continue to touch and inspire. My radio program has surpassed 2500 listeners and my Youtube page has generated over 150,000 hits. God has blessed me and I give thanks and gratitude for it.

Monday, September 20, 2010

LOA Season 7: Day 48

The halfway point has almost been reached in this season. The timing of which is symbolic in regards to my current situation. For the past week or so I have been heavily engaged in obtaining a new paradigm in life. It started with a deep desire to take action toward my dreams and goals; months later the fruits of directed labor are about to pay off.

I've decided to form a new plan and expand my current situation, and move towards a future based paradigm. This means that I will have the ability to purchase a new life, complete with home, car, and a place to entertain. Monumental change does not come over night. It is obtained through action, diligence, and a strong desire to want and demand more from life. These changes are completely self indulged, and if executed properly self actualized. The freedom that comes from this is life altering; with the option to enlarge as long as desired.

It's Monday and the week is still fresh and ready to be lived. My goal is move quickly, work smartly, and achieve the success that I have been envisioning since January. The time is now and I'm ready to strike!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

LOA Season 7: Day 32

September is underway and I find myself looking forward to another prosperous month. Last month I managed to take action and expand my businesses, but now I'm ready to take another step. Like the flow of a waterfall; it is my intention to experience the endless stream of happiness and success.

The majority of my time has been spent wisely, utilizing the skills and passions that I possess to create a better future for those who matter most. In less than 50 days, the fruits of years worth of work will culminate into great things. The Universe has blessed me and God has been looking after me this past year.

When I think about 2010, I am impressed by how far I've come in such a short time. when this year began there were many ideas and plans. Many projects were pulling me in multiple directions, but I decided to follow a plan and do my best to accomplish the most important tasks. This paradigm shift has changed alot and my perspectives have been changed for the best. Above all else, none of this would have been possible without taking real actions to experience an extraordinary life. This is the time and the season for success.