Monday, June 14, 2010

Season 6: Day 46 - What am I doing with my life?

There are times when I pause and say ,"What am I doing with my life?" A subtle question that can catch many off guard. In the past I've always believed that hard work and determination lead to success. On the surface such qualities would lead to riches, wealth preservation, and more; yet these qualities are but a small portion to all around success.

The plain truth is that success is a mind set, not a struggle with one's self. Working harder often means being side tracked by a confluence of tasks or events which ultimately hinder achievement. The old adage to work smarter not harder is a key insight as to how true growth and development play a role in shaping our individual lives. It is my intention to find it exciting and rewarding to sell over 25,000 downloads and something better by the end of August.

To do this will require a fair amount of specific concentration and dedication. In order to reach a benchmark, one must first agree that said mark is achievable. Believing in one's abilities to create and manifest means seeing a task through to its absolute fullest, even when the outcome may appear far off.

To combat the feelings of isolation, it is vitally important to "see" or imagine what success would look and feel like. Once the brain has experienced its' version of success, a reference point is created and thus the ability to expand or enlarge the feelings of prosperity can be shaped. The past two years have been an incredible time for me. I have experienced much joy and personal growth using the Law of Attraction.

Right now I am thankful for attracting over 300 new subscribers to my radio show in the past two days. I am also grateful for the new product line that I've been developing as of late; as the feeling of serving others in need motivates me to expand the possibilites of life. I give thanks to God and for the new found excitement my life is taking on. My life is transforming by being more complete and fulfilled.

Friday, June 11, 2010

LOA Season 6: Day 43

The times they are changing, and I'm keeping up with the dynamic paradigm shifts in my life. Today is Day 18 of the Bob Proctor challenge, there are only 72 days remaining. Upon embarking on massive mental shift I felt like a fish out of water, flapping around with a sense of impeding doom. The feelings of wanting more, yet achieving less did not sit well with me.

So I decided to take real action and change the thinking that had locked me into a pattern of stagnation. To free myself I started listening to Bob Proctor's advice and forced myself into a Paradigm shift program; whereby everyday day for 90 straight days I would consciously sit down and write six things that I would like to accomplish during the day. The first ten days seemed to drag on, but around the two week mark tangible results started to manifest.

On the top of my list was to create a new product to fill a gap in coverage for my customers. I needed to regroup and grow my business for the coming summer and a new product line was just what the doctor ordered. After forming the thought I asked my design team to create modern packaging that would appeal to a niche crowd. Within four days the design and packaging is complete and my items are now ready to be distributed.

Another interesting anomaly occurred while meditating recently. I received a message that the Universe is in the process of delivering the required amount that I've been requesting all year. It feels so liberating know that it is my intention to find it easy and enjoyable to earn over $300,000 and something better in 2010. In addition my body is getting into the best physical condition ever, I look good, feel good, and my self confidence has increased dramatically.

Also I give thanks to God for allowing almost 95,000 Youtube visitors to view my NGO, and my radio station is pulling in more listeners than ever before.

Monday, June 7, 2010

LOA Season 6: Day 39

The second week of June is starting off very nicely. First the artist who will be featured next month has agreed to participate. Secondly, I have been developing a new product line that will hit the stores in less then seven days. It has been a labor of love and ingenuity, but alas the tide of momentum is on my side.

As summer moves in, the days grow long and my perseverance has finally paid off. I made a plan last winter to earn over $300,000 and something better during 2010, and extraordinary life has begun to unfold. People are lining up to sample my products, invest in my company, and are willing to stock my items in their establishments. For all of this I give thanks to Almight God for guiding me through the next phase of life.

For now my focus will be on attracting more hits to my websites. Thankfully, my youtube page has now achieved over 92,000 views and my comsumer site still brings in over 6,000 hits a month. I've calculated that my websites have serviced between 176,000 - 250,000 people in the past two years. With such a diverse and captive audience, I will now capitalize financially on these investments.

Friday, June 4, 2010

LOA Season 6: Day 36

Today is day eleven of my paradigm shift. The previous days have been quite fulfilling, as I've stayed on task and completed alot of work. In the past few days I have secured a new business client for the summer, worked on developing a new product, and will take it to market next week.

In addition to the new paradigm I'm living, the Universe has blessed me with over 91,000 views on Youtube. Also it has come to my attention that the visualization sessions have been working, and I will make time to do it today.

Finally, my show has picked up and many people from around the world are listening to my daily internet based program. I am determined to broadcast Radio Pangaea from a terrestrial radio station this year, and will find a new home in Washington DC which will be the new base of operations.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Oprah Lays it Down

Do you Believe in the Law?

LOA Season 6: Day 34

Today is the 9th day of my Paradigm Shift experience. At first the day seemed to drag on, but I told myself to embrace the consciousness shift and "go with the flow". Then I took the bull by the horns and got to work.

First I washed two of the cars that I own; next cleared a piano out of my Garage, swept it clean and scrubbed down the floors. Of course this was only after I patched the hole that once existed in the drywall for almost thirteen years. Words cannot even describe how excited it feels to see a completed garage. The energy has changed and it seems more relaxing now than at any point in recent memory.

My goals for today will be to finish/complete the tasks on my daily to do list. This will require a phone call to the artist who is participating in my NGO event. I am striving to have a global day for freedom on July 2nd. In order to make it a complete success, I need to take action and get it done. This is putting the Law of Action and the Law of Attraction to the test.

After almost two years of deliberate attraction, I have been amazed with the ensuing results. Life is a journey and the little steps taken add up when comparing how far you've come against how far you have to go. I am committed to giving sincere thankfulness to the Universe for bestowing the opportunities to live my dreams.