Monday, March 30, 2009

Season 3 - Day 54

Over the weekend, I crossed the half way point for season three. What I can say is that my goal to own a house by December is well underway, and I believe I have the formula to achieve it. Last week I asked the Universe to deliver a contact for a new feature that I would like to film. The very next day, on Friday I received a call from my perspective contact. They proceeded to tell me that the project could be a go, but I need to submit a proposal.

In addition on Sunday I went filming with a friend. We came to the agreement that our projects should continue and that it is in our best interest to work together. This partnership began last year, and I believe it will firmly resonate into something special by middle of this year. I have a renewed vigor and spirit to accomplish the following goals within the next 30 days:

  • Finish filming RV project
  • Start filming new veterans project
  • Host a live event for nonprofit organization
  • Raise money for NGO
  • Receive $4000 in donations
  • Start writing book
  • Increase quality of living

Today I am in the process of creating new downloads for, and feel so honored to make products available in a new medium. Just last year, this technology would have been unavailable to me, but now I'm at the threshold of a truly time and opportunity.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Season 3 - Day 49

I have been assertive in searching for a venue for our first live event. In addition I have also put the ball into motion for a new ground breaking series. My intention is to receive a phone call back with the an answer of yes, and then I can begin filming.

Furthermore, I anticipate raising money with a new Youtube campaign with the intention of achieving $4,000 in generated revenue. I believe this goal is realistic and achievable, and will stick with it until success has been rendered.

Adversity has struck this week and someone close has expressed doubt in their willingness to achieve their dreams and aspirations in life. I told them their negative emotions and outbursts directly correlate to the lack of happiness and fulfillment. The more one complains about lack, the longer it takes to reach one's goals. Andrew Carnegie always talked about the need for a mastermind group, or a team of skilled people who are assembled to bring forth an idea or concept from paper form and turn it into it's physical transmutation.

Living a live based on positive thinking is great, but the emotions one feels resonate much stronger with The Universe. It is the emotions of love, peace, happiness, and more that transmute into the physical world from the Ether of the Universe. This process has been said to literally change people by extracting that which resides deep within one's heart and soul. By now it should be stated emotions that are felt and released into the Universe attract more of that particular emotion. This is why a false sense of positive thinking is sufficient to achieve goals and attain fulfillment. While positive thought is needed, it is by itself a temporary solution.

As today unfolds I will continue to press forward and find a place to host a live event. In addition I will do whatever it takes to raise money for my non-profit organization, and will be in contact with the necessary people to film a new project. It's a beautiful day and I will make the most of it.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Season 3 - Day 44

The work week is over but I am still finishing up my bathroom. This seven week long project has been a blessing, a nightmare, and fun all rolled into one. When I first broke ground in early Feb., I did not anticipate it taking this long. In fact I wanted to be finished within 4 weeks, but as I look back perhaps that was overly ambitious. My friend who has been working on it needed a job and source of income to provide for his son. Being more than willing to help I did what I could, and after this long and winding road, it's finally almost complete.

Yesterday my dog and I went traveling and ended up on a dried creek trail in Orange County, CA. I managed to film so footage of Roadie playing in the tall grass, and running around the wild flowers. I've come to the realization that perhaps this dog was brought into my life for a reason. The reason I believe is to assist me in becoming more patient and tolerant in life. Whatever the reason may be, I do feel myself changing and maturing, often after I have done something that makes me wonder why I do such crazy things.

This morning while driving I had an epiphany. I realized that I want to own a new house by the end of this year. Before December 31, 2009 rolls around, I will be living in a new location and enjoying life with unparalleled enthusiasm and joy! Perhaps the new change of scenery will be in the East Coast, like Winchester. After visiting the Winchester last November, I feel it calling me and inviting me to live there. It's spacious, quaint, and colonial architecture is a throw back to a way of live that resonates strongly with me. More and more I can feel excited whenever envisioning the houses that I could be living in and the friendly people who live in the city.

Tomorrow I am working with my girlfriend to write, develop, and publish a childrens book. It is her dream to become a published author, and I know she has the abilities to make that dream come true. The added revenue, adventure, and personal achievement will be amazing, and I know the Universe is already working to allow this opportunity to happen.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Season 3 - Day 42

The past ten days have been interesting to say the least. The Global Pangaea Foundation is in the process of becoming a Youtube sensation. In the past week more people have viewed our videos than ever before. In fact we now rank #14 for most subscribed to non-profit organizations for the month. The buzz about what we do is growing and I foresee great things happening to us in the not to distant future.

In addition Amazon has given me the opportunity to create a book, submit mp3 downloads, and video content to their website. This should give the exposure and financial security that I have been envisioning, as well as opening countless doors for my professional and personal life. I intend to make the most out of this unique opportunity.

On a lighter note, my dog Roadie has now settled into his home. He is a great dog and I am so very thankful and luck to own him. Everyone who meets him says that he has that special something that most dogs do not possess. Everyday I look forward to training, traveling, and exploring trails with him more and more.

As for the today, I am focusing on creating my tv/web show. Furthermore, I am also in the process of organizing my first live event. I want to drop a press release and attraction a larger following of people and possible donors. This is possible and I know that I can achieve it. Video Campaign 3/3

This last in our video campaign. Video Campaign Pt. 2/3 Video Campaign Pt. 1/3

I am excited to announce the video campaign that is now underway. I want to win their best Youtube video competition.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Season 3 - Day 32

The past three or four weeks have been a rollercoaster of emotions and successes. I am pleased to announce the new addition to my family. His name is Roadie and he is a healthy and intelligent yellow Labrador. I picked him up from the animal shelter, and a day later he hopped my fence and took off. I was so sad and disappointed, but then I received a call from the family who took him in. A few days later we were reunited and he has made me a proud dog owner.
On another note, the weather in Southern California has been absolutely beautiful for the past two months. The snow level was so low at one point that it touched the bottom of the mountain range behind my house. I've lived on and off in So Cal for the past sixteen years, and have never seen so much snow at one time. It was truly something to behold.

In addition I am also pleased to announce that my non-profit organization is gaining momentum and celebrity support. We are currently engaged in a YouTube contest for, and I feel very certain that we will win this contest and further gain support for our cause. I am so thankful that I can achieve these milestones.
March is shaping up to be a great month for me, and I am in the progess of attracting even more visitors to my multiple websites.