Monday, April 19, 2010

LOA Season 5 - Wrap up

The first 100 day challenge of 2010 is over. It seems like yesterday, early January when season five kicked off. The weather was cold, dreary, and gray; just my kind of weather. Slowly the year started to take shape, like clay on a potters wheel. I made a promise to myself that I would take each day at a time and follow my goals and desires until they manifested.

Armed with a desire to achieve unlimited success, I placed all of my Faith in God and trust that everything will work out in the end. With that, here is what I was able to manifest in the past 100 days:
  • I got a new king charles spaniel
  • Attracted an extra $8k in sales
  • I bought a new car
  • Started a new fitness regiment
  • Lost 8 lbs
  • Finalizing a new business plan of attack
  • Hosted many internet radio shows
  • Attracted 78,000 You Tube visitors
  • Installed a new fence line at home
  • Manifested enough money to pay off bills
  • Wrote purpose statement of life
  • Visualized more than last year combined
  • On the way to earn more money than last year
  • In process of hosting fundraiser
  • Broke ground on redeveloping my back yard

In conclusion the last 100 days have been an amazing time in my life. There have been highs, lows, but more importantly it has been an upward ascension with a level keel apporach. Here's to another 100 days

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