Friday, February 13, 2009

Season 3 - Day 8

Thank God another work week has come to an end. The week started off great, had a little down turn on Wednesday, and then picked up by Friday. While reviewing my company, I discovered that 2008 was the most profitable year for me. Every category displayed increases or significant draw downs, and now my tax preparer can sign off on it. I am so thankful for the customers who entrusted me to provide quality service and reliable products. I am truly blessed!

As season three begins I am looking forward to completing all the projects that I have started such as hosting a live event for my non-profit, raising awareness and operational funds, filming my series, and attracting more sales and clients. I know that I am in the process of achieving this, and The Universe is working to bring me the right people to execute these plans in a successful manner. This week has proved yet again that there is a purpose for my life, and that I firmly believe I am on the right path to accomplishing many extraordinary things.

The more I think about my family, friends, and girlfriend, the more I realize just how special they are to me and vice verse. Many people have come into my life at various times and situations. As I grow older and mature, I can see that everything happens for a reason, there are no accidents. The past is a narrow focus on fixed events, yet the future is infinite and full of unlimited possibilities. The key is not to get discouraged when pondering past or future events. It is more relevant to become focused on the Present and what can be done to either change or continue current conditions.

This weekend for me marks the second Valentines Day with the same person. This small feat means for the first time this decade, I will be with the same woman on back to back Valentines Day celebrations. It feels great that stability has returned to my personal life as I write a new chapter in life. Gone is the uncertainty that plagued my early and mid twenties. Gone are the restless nights and relationship drama that kept me from happiness. More importantly I feel as though my integrity and decision making grows stronger with each passing day, week, month, and year!!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Season 3 - Day 4

I had a blast this weekend and cannot wait for the week to unfold. The rain has temporarily subsided, but it will be back tonight. It has been raining straight for the past four days, but I love it and want it to continue for the next three weeks. There is something tangential about nature giving back to a thirsty earth and people. As I look outside and see the snow capped mountains in the distance, I'm immediately reminded of how cyclical life can be.

As the years turn I find myself well past the crossroads of my youth, and can see the bigger picture for what it is. This past decade has brought forth adventures, challenges, and triumphs beyond my wildest dreams. It is times like this when I sit and smile about achieving goals and visiting places that were but a faint glimpse of opportunity the previous year. Truly I am bless and thankful for what I have received. As many a man would say, "There by the Grace of God go I."

In my early twenties I would have interpreted this saying to mean I deserve to be alive and experience life. I false sense of bravado that youth, inexperience, and sheer sophomoric pretenses could bring me anything I desired. As I grow more, travel the world, and partake in new ways of living, I see that thankfully ignorance is wasted on the young. Perhaps this way of life never vanishes completely, as modern society tries to sell its soul for mechanical wiz bang gadgets and internet dating. There is something to be said about the dichotomy of man, and how we've created so much, yet know so little. The Universe is a vast and ever expanding place, yet our corner of the galaxy feels so isolated and shunned. This of course begs the question, What if it is suppose to be this way?

Science teaches us that nothing, not even the smallest living organism is useless. At some point everything has its place. The evolution theory also confirms this by suggesting that nothing is without purpose. Could it really be that we are isolated for a reason? The "media" could care less about larger concepts such as why the earth is so far away from the nearest star, and instead feels compelled to broadcast new images of a sexed up Miley Cyrus is a crude attempt to reclaim the mantle of "flash in the pan" from Brittney Spears, Ricky Martin, and yes Ashley Judd.

The second work week of February has begun and I am meeting it full stride. My to do list is encompassing tasks that will continue to keep me on the track to financial independence. I am in the process of setting up my non-profits first event, and pushing forward with a new plan to embark on creating tv shows. The day awaits and I am looking foward to accomplishing my goals.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Season 3 - Day 1

Today is great day for so many reasons. First and foremost the weather in So. California is absolutely beautiful right now. The rain has been steady but badly needed as this winter has been rather dry. I really enjoy winter and I'm soaking up as much of it as possible. Secondly, I've broken ground on a new renovation project for my house. I am in the process of creating an amazing outdoor living area complete with water gardens and planting boxes.

This weekend is going to be fun and exciting as well. Tomorrow I am going to a basketball game, but before that I am going to go target shooting with my friends and new firearm. I am so thankful for the amazing week and the opportunity I had to help a great friend who was in need. More and more I am in the process of attracting more money, achievements, and positive memories to make my life extraordinary this month.

As season three starts, I am gun ho about manifesting more abundance everyday. I realize that in order to attract more of what I want, I need to give the vibration of gratitude. I know this can be achieved by deliberately focusing on what is being included in my vibration bubble. A vibration bubble is invisible energy that surrounds us whether positive or negative. The Law of Attraction does not differentiate, it only responds by matching the vibrations being emanated. This is why it is so important to really focus on what vibrations are being sent out.

In the next one hundred days I would like to attract and receive the following from The Universe:
  • I would like to film and produce a new show
  • I am in the process of attracting a new house
  • I am in the process of accumulating more wealth
  • More and more I see money being attracted to me
  • I have decided to live in abundance
  • I am in the process of assuming an attitude of gratitude

These are but a few of what I know I can achieve. I am in the process of including these in my vibrational bubble. Let's see how fast I can manifest them!

Oprah Talks About The Law of Attraction

Applying the Law of Attraction, Oprah- Michael Losier interview

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Season 2 - Day 99

My second 100 day challenge is almost complete. When I started this last October there was alot that I wanted to accomplish. Now that I see how far I've come, I'm thankful for the opportunity to experience another 100 days of life and to see how the world has changed. Perhaps at best, I want to believe that I too changed a part of the world. History will ultimately dictate whether or not any of us impacted the world we lived in.

This past weekend was the superbowl and I am glad to have spent it with close friends. I've learned more and more that family and friends are what matter most, and that the most cherished moments should be shared with them. I am lucky have such wonderful people close to me and really enjoy knowing that I can lean on them in moments of need. Many people do not have anyone to rely on, and I have so many.

In the larger scope of things, the world economy is going to crap and it's only a matter of time before revolt or revolution takes hold around the globe. Many businesses and commercial properties are laying vacant with no one to fill them. However bad the economy may be, there are pockets of opportunity. I am a firm believer that my business will continue to flourish and grow during these times. I know that I am in the process of attracting new clients everyday, and will do so for the remainder of 2009. As giant companies fall, they are leaving gaps for entrepreneurs to fill. I understand that this is my year to succeed, and I welcome the opportunity to do soon.

The first full week of February is almost over, but I am preparing in earnest for the coming year. I am planting victory gardens, stockpiling self defense technologies, and gathering supplies to last me through whatever conditions may unfold. It's not stupid to be prepared these days, in fact is down right stupid not to prepare. Make a plan and know what to do if or when things get worse. The Universe will grant you the opportunity to better yourself and your loved ones, but you must remember to know exactly what you want to ask for.