Sunday, September 28, 2008

Psycho Cybernetics

Are your dreams eluding you? Your desires left unfulfilled? A psycho-cybernetic force could be at fault! Everyone has buried deep in their subconscious a very powerful mechanism called the psycho-cybernetic force. This mechanism collected and stored every event, every word spoken to you during your early childhood years and then synthesized this data to determine how you feel about yourself and what you believe you can achieve.

This function of this force or goal-seeking mechanism is to make sure that whatever you have subconsciously concluded about yourself and your potential in life is fulfilled with unwavering accuracy. Unfortunately if during those very early and susceptible years of your life you were told negative things about yourself and your abilities, such as you were dumb or ugly or destined for failure, you most likely believed these to be true and may still believe them to be true.

Numerous plastic surgeons have reported this programming to be so strong that even when some patients were presented with pictures of themselves before and after their surgery; pictures that showed a tremendous change for the better, these people stated they either saw no change or believed they looked even worse!

I set worthy goals but fail over and over to attain them!

Because this goal-seeking mechanism operates without your knowledge or awareness, you may have become puzzled and frustrated about why you continue to fall short of your goals and dreams no matter how hard you try. The problem is that goals are defined by our conscious mind but it is the goal-seeking mechanism within our subconscious that brings goals to reality.
That's why you can set a positive goal yet fail to achieve it. Your true belief that you are not capable of attaining your goal takes over and propels you to failure.

Is there another way?

Fortunately you can re-program the psycho-cybernetic force within your subconscious with new data. It will take some time and patience but it can definitely be done. There are two steps that are necessary for this to happen.

Step #1: Crystallize your thinking about exactly what you desire from your life. This can take some time and soul searching. Be specific in every way. Decide who you would like to be as a person, how you would like to live, the job you might enjoy, and the people you'd prefer.

Step #2: Spend at least 30 minutes each day creating a mental picture, almost a movie, of yourself already enjoying the benefits of the life you desire. Since your mind and nervous system do not differentiate between fantasy and reality, they will assume that what you are imagining is
true and automatically move you toward your goal.

Be prepared to experience trial and error situations along the way. This is not bad. Your goal-seeking mechanism's job is to use these incidences or errors as data to correct your course and to
provide you with better solutions in the future. No progress is smooth; stay with it.

How can I use my psycho-cybernetic powers more effectively?

Do all the thinking and planning about your goals before you make any decision about a course of action; then stop thinking and planning and let the natural abilities of your goal-seeking mechanism take action. Don't force it! Let the solutions, hunches, and ideas flow naturally.

·Live in the moment! The past is over; the future has not arrived. Use your energy and focus for today.

·Do only one thing at a time. Set one priority and give it your full attention. Every time you split your concentration, you reduce your effectiveness.

·Sleep on major decisions. Don't rush. Your psycho-cybernetic power needs time to creatively work out solutions to achieve your goals.

·Relax. Living stressed out actually interferes with your goal-seeking mechanism's ability to function resulting in faulty feedback.

Important! You must be actively engaged in moving toward your goals for your goal-seeking mechanism to work. For example, the famous inventor, Thomas Edison was completely immersed in his work when the idea of the phonograph came to him.

A new beginning

As you re-program your goal-seeking mechanism and start to experience the attainment of your goals, you will grow more trusting of its power. You will learn to be patient with setbacks, knowing they are temporary and part of the process of collecting new data for future use.
Soon you will experience the dreams you previously concluded would never be fulfilled. You'll enjoy the freedom of inner peace and tranquility that only comes from accepting who you really are. You'll know you have a friend, a powerful force within whose sole purpose is to take you where you want to go!

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