The reason I felt compelled to write about this topic is because it will answer many questions I get through the emails - related to how and why you can do different things with your mind, how and why you can solve some puzzling problems and more. You will get the most of it, not just by reading this article, but by actually conducting your own experiments with the information provided here, because nothing will help you grasp certain ideas better than your own personal experience.
It doesn't matter if you're just curious about using hypnosis, or you're interested in spiritual growth (regardless of what tradition you may be into) or in science / quantum physics - they are all based upon and arise out of one principle - The Principle of Oneness, upon one Law - the Law of One.
What I'm offering here is just a tiny bit - a tip of the iceberg - because everything in your mind, in your body, in your life experience, in the entire universe is based upon it and you can indeed use every experience in your daily life to bring this principle closer into your awareness and into your conscious experience of life. Being aware of it is only the first step. The rest of it consists in living it, expressing it consciously through your daily life.
THERE IS ONLY ONE INFINITE INTELLIGENT LIVING ENERGY PERMEATING EVERYTHING in creation, visible and invisible, manifested and unmanifested. LOVE is the glue that holds it together. That is why it is also said that Love is the Law and that by loving everything you fulfill all the other laws that arise out of it.
For a moment now, as you are sitting and reading this, imagine yourself stretching beyond the boundaries of your body and encompassing the entire universe - it is infinite - but just go ahead and use your imagination and imagine yourself stretched as far across the universe as your imagination allows - encompassing all time and space - encompassing all that is visible and invisible - where everything in creation is just another cell of your own body and say silently to yourself "I AM THAT I AM", "I AM ALL OF IT".
If you really do this wholeheartedly, you may notice your breathing change - instead of just breathing through your physical body, you may feel as if you were breathing through everything in the universe - as if you are the living breath of the universe - ONE LIFE that permeates everything. Through repetition, you will create new neurological connections in your body. You will accomplish much more, but that's for you to discover.
If this is the first time you are doing something along these lines with your mind, to a part of you it may seem like a flight of fancy - just some kind of a mind-tripping - yet, as you keep on doing it - you will notice a real effect upon your physical body - you will feel lighter, your body may heal spontaneously because you will allow the life-force to flow freely through it, you may start looking younger, you will open to the flow of some abilities you never even dreamed of possible before, there will be nothing to fear (if you know that you are ALL, who or what is there left to fear?), you will begin to love everything in your world because you'll know that it's all YOU - a precious cell of your own body, an aspect of your own Self.
I said "to a part of you it may seem like a flight of fancy", because there is a part of you that knows this and remembers it and even if it is out of your conscious awareness, you are fully capable of sensing the truth, regardless of whether you acknowledge it consciously or attempt to deny it due to lack of conscious understanding. If what I write here is not enough for you, you can ask for some kind of a sign, some kind of a "proof" from your own Self, and you will get it in a way that is suitable for you, provided you genuinely desire to know.
Some scientists would tell you that only about one third of our DNA is activated and also that they have discovered that one's thoughts and emotions do affect DNA and activation of other parts of it. What this means is that more information is available and you are able to do more things. There are numerous techniques and artificial devices for unfoldment of one's potential and activation of DNA, but the key to anything that will make you genuinely move forward is your awareness of interconnectedness of all life and development of your ability to LOVE.
Your ability to LOVE will depend upon your perception. If you look upon someone or something and perceive it, him or her, as separate from you and start contemplating in how many ways they are different from you and may be engaged in activities that are not your cup of tea - it will be harder. If you start looking beyond the appearances and start focusing on the common denominator between different parts - if you focus upon one spirit, one life that flows through all - and therefore perceive that which seems to be outside of you and separate from you as a part of yourself - it will be much easier.
This is also the way of solving any kind of conflict you have within you or may be experiencing in your outer life - just start looking for and focusing upon the common denominator and there will be no more conflict. We have different cells and organs in our bodies and they are designed to do different things - neither one is better or worse from another because they are different and all of them work together to keep our bodies functioning as one harmonious unit. It's the same with anything else in the world.
The fact that there is One Infinite Intelligence permeating everything is often expressed in the statement that there is ONE MIND and everything in existence is in that ONE MIND - and this ONE MIND is YOUR MIND. That is why you are able to access any knowledge from past, present of future and moreover there is only ONE TIME - NOW - sometimes it is referred to as eternity, or timelessness, or simultaneous time, but whatever you can experience, you can experience only in the moment of NOW and the moment of NOW is the moment of POWER.
You can think in terms of past or future, but whatever you experience in your emotions always occurs in the moment of NOW. When you start ruminating over past or possible future, you are really bringing those events into your present experience. And whatever goes through your mind and emotions in this moment of NOW creates bio-chemical changes in your body. It also affect your vibration, the electro-magnetic field around you and your experience of life. It affects many more things in your life, in your environment and across the universe of which you may or may not be consciously aware.
You can get books dealing with neuro-science or neuro-biology, you can buy or rent a movie "What the Bleep Do We Know!?" for some graphical descriptions of the process, or you can simply relax and allow yourself to experience LOVE and imagine yourself loving every speck of the universe - direct your LOVE to every corner of the UNIVERSE - do this for half an hour a day and notice the changes in your body.
You can do this by thinking of something that you love, using it as a symbol and projecting that image, sound or whatever it is upon everything else that crosses your mind. Think of it as "seeing the face of your beloved" in everything. If you don't have any memories of love, then think of something that you feel grateful for or something that made you feel good, happy or joyful, until you feel your heart opening, until you can feel the energy stirring in your heart, then direct it outward. Imagine sending this love out, not only through your heart, but through every cell and atom of your body. It will heal and rejuvenate your body, along the way, too.
I wanted to share few images of the water crystal molecules with you. They are from Dr. Masaru Emoto's book "Hidden Messages In Water". Dr. Emoto spent quite a bit of time conducting experiments with the effect thoughts, words, and sounds have upon water. This is significant because about 70% of our bodies is made out of water, as well as that much of our planet. So, just imagine if our thoughts can do this to water, what effect do they have upon our bodies.
Because EVERYTHING IS in YOUR MIND, you can and do affect everything in the world with your thoughts, from your body, to your own life experiences, including the experiences of other people and natural phenomena. Yes, that is why you can affect intentionally or unintentionally other people, but oftentimes when people get excited about learning Remote Influence, they forget that whatever ideas they project onto others, they will also get to experience one way or another in their own lives. Yes, you can use Remote Influence - after all you are using it in your daily life - even if you're doing it unknowingly and unintentionally - to spread love, peace, happiness, healing and good-will in the world so that you can experience more of the same in your life.
There is ONLY ONE POWER. It is this One, Living, Loving, Intelligent Energy - Life-Force that permeates everything. And the more you do this brief meditation I suggested at the top of this article, the more will you become aware of it, the more will you experience it, the more of it will you begin to express spontaneously because through your consciousness of it you will be "plugged into Power". If you keep on meditating upon the Infinite and identifying yourself with the Infinite Love, Power and Wisdom, this Power will grow and express through you in a balanced, life-affirming way. You'll know when to use it and how to use it and when and how not to use it.
This Power was never intended to boost the individual's little ego, a sense of separation, or a sense of self-importance, but to help you to unfold your potential harmoniously and beautifully for the good of all. When you start thinking and acting as if you were separate from the Allness (Wholeness) of the One, you unplug yourself from the Infinite Source of Power, from the Infinite Source of Life-Force and something within you begins to wither and die like a branch cut off from the tree.
This doesn't mean that you are not important. You are - much like a piece of a puzzle which completes the puzzle. There is a perfect place for you in this world and a meaningful role you have come here to play.
When you accomplish something in your life, you accomplish it through this ONE POWER. As long as you remain consciously connected to it - it will flow through you ever more in infinite abundance. When you choose to perceive the accomplishment as coming from your own little self, sooner or later you run into a dead-end, because you disconnect yourself from the power that can bring forth miracles beyond your wildest expectations.
When you live your daily life with awareness of One Infinite Loving Intelligent Energy - One Life-Force, One Spirit expressing through all - you allow it to move through your being and to guide your every step. You find yourself spontaneously doing the right thing. You find yourself knowing exactly what to do. And then something else interesting happens - while before other people could influence you, manipulate you and push your buttons - they cannot do that any more - because now you feel whole and complete. You are at peace and content with your life. What you do is governed by your own inner Wisdom, by the Infinite Spirit expressing through you, in which you trust fully and completely because you can feel its magnificence, its presence, its power, love and wisdom within you. You know that all is well. You don't need to prove anything to anyone. You know that it is enough to live your life according to your inner truth. You know that whatever you may ever need will come into your life, so you are free of all worries and of all lack. You feel loved. You never ever feel alone because you can feel your connection with all life. You know that everything is alive and that the very air that you breathe is filled with life, love and power.
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