Thursday, September 4, 2008

Hello September

It's now September and the year seems to be marching right along. The summer has come and gone, but my business is still alive and well. Recently I began daily meditation sessions in adjunct to daily visualizing. Dr. Laura Di Georgio operates a great website called, which has great neuro reconditioning cd's.

On a whim I purchased her cd entitled Attract more clients and within a day I was able to atract a new client. The cd's are great to listen to and allows messages to be imprinted on your subunconscious mind. Bottom line is Dr. Di Gerogio is worth checking out.

Beyond the day to day stuff, I have many goals to achieve this month. I am in the process of re-developing my website's and looking to expand my non-profit organization.

Over the past couple of months, many people have asked me how they can stay positive and bring abundance into their lives. I often mention writing daily affirmations or listing things that you are thankful for. Simply get a blank sheet of paper and write the following:

I live in abundance

I create wealth easily

I am a magnet to money

Money serves me

I am in the process of expanding my annual income

The main point is to have fun with this list and add whatever your hearts desire. The only requirement is that you feel great and believe in what you are writing. Stick to it everyday and it will work for you.

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