Five Steps to Successful
In this step you need to consider what you want vs. what you don’t want and you need to be able to distinguish between the form and the essence. Instead on focusing on what you don’t want, it’ important to focus on WHAT YOU WOULD LIKE to experience instead, because your subconscious mind says “YES” to whatever you focus upon. If you don’t want illness focus on perfect health, if you don’t want lack, focus on abundance, if you don’t want to experience stress, focus on experiencing peace, etc.
Sometimes people focus on the “form” (the physical thing instead on the “essence” (the feeling they would like to experience). If you desire to create or attract a specific thing into your life, ask yourself what feeling do you believe this thing would give you. By focusing on the “essence” of what you want, you expand your options.
You may find that there are many other ways to experience that desired feeling even now, and by experiencing that feeling now, you further open yourself to attract the thing you desire. Many times we chase certain things, only to discover that they didn’t give us the feeling we expected to get by having them. And even if the thing you originally had in mind does indeed bring you the desired feeling, this process may bring you further insight into many different ways you can enrich your life, and open yourself to many different opportunities that will allow you to experience even more of that desired feeling.
Once you know what you want, imagine and FEEL that you already have it. Engage as many of your senses as you can and while in a trance state (in a state of hypnosis) vividly imagine yourself as if you were already enjoying the desired state, thing, circumstances. You may also re-live your life, in your mind, imagining that you have always had this resource, quality, thing you’d like to experience.
The whole point of the “depth” of hypnosis is to allow you to put your conscious mind and your awareness of the outer world aside, long enough that you are able to fully experience your desired experience as REAL for you NOW. It is good to remember that your subconscious mind does not distinguish between what is outside of you - what you may interpret as “real” - and what you experience only in the realm of your mind (your subjective experience). The subconscious mind concludes that something is REAL, if it FEELS REAL to YOU … NOW.
Successful self-hypnosis is very much alike planting seeds. You decide what you would like to grow, you plant the seeds by imagining and feeling that you already have the desired outcome. You don’t have to concern yourself with how is the plant going to grow – it is endowed with intelligence to fulfill its purpose. What you do need to do is pull out the weeds (doubts and any limiting beliefs that are stopping you from experiencing what you desire) if you notice any.
When you plant seeds of your outcome in your subconscious mind, your doubts, fears, anxieties, conflicting beliefs etc. are weeds you have to uproot. If you believe that it is impossible for you to reach your goal, but you just want to try it, forget about it – it’s not going to work.
If the goal seems too overwhelming, cut it down into smaller, achievable goals – goals you believe are attainable for you now. It doesn’t matter what anyone else has accomplished. The only thing that matters is what you believe is possible for you. Other people’s accomplishments may inspire you – but whether you’d be able to accomplish the same, or less, or more, depends only on what you believe to be possible for you, and on the action you're willing to take.
Sometimes people look for “proofs” and assurance outside of themselves, asking other people for their opinions as to whether something is possible or not, yet this only tells their subconscious minds that they are still filled with doubt – they don’t really believe that they can experience the results they desire, so they usually don’t.
The best place to look for “proofs” when using your subconscious mind is in your own experiences – conducting your own experiments.
There is a way to get and create absolutely anything you may ever want to create through the power of your mind. However to overcome your own limitations you either have to have limitless faith, or even better, to do some research and gain understanding related to why YOU CAN be or have whatever it is you set your heart upon.
This also brings me to the POWER OF DECISION. If you have ever DECIDED to experience something and if you can recall how that feels, you may become aware that at such times your mind was fully focused on your GOAL and even though you might have been aware of possible obstacles on the road, they have not prevented you in reaching your outcome. When you truly DECIDE that you want something, you “cut yourself off” from any other possibility and you COMMIT yourself to having the experience you desire.
This is probably the hardest step for most people – and it may take some practice to totally and completely trust in the wisdom and power of your mind, universe, God, your Higher Self (pick the term you prefer) to be able to bring into your experience what you asked for.
You may notice that sometimes when you think about something and then you completely forget about it, not even giving it a second thought whether it’s going to pass or not – the thing you thought about, just happens. That’s because you have spontaneously let go – by forgetting about it, your subconscious mind was able to take over and create that experience in your life. Other times you may feel that you want or need something really badly, so badly as a matter of fact, that you can’t let it go – and as much as you want it – you are not allowing it to manifest for you.
When something is really important for you to have and you have no idea where is it going to come from, trusting may feel as if you were walking on a tight-rope. With practice, it gets much easier.
Practicing gratitude – expressing gratitude for what you need and/or desire as if you have already received it will help you to get your mind off the worry, and keep it focused on your goal. Gratitude will dramatically cut the time it takes to get what you desire, and it will dissolve a lot of obstacles toward getting the results you’d like to create using self-hypnosis.
You can thank your subconscious mind, your unconscious mind, God, universe - whatever term you like to use to refer to the power and intelligence within you and all around you that is able and knows how to bring into manifestation every one of your heart’s desires.
Sometimes what you ask for may come into your life in a slightly different form than what you envisioned. It is important to notice and acknowledge that what you asked for has in some form manifested for you. Sometimes what you ask for may be even better than what you asked for (vividly imagined and experienced subjectively in self-hypnosis).
Sometimes what you ask for may be a far cry from what you wanted. It may be just a signal that what you asked for is on its way. Now is not the time to give up, but to keep on thanking that what you desire, or even something better, is on its way.
You may also want to re-examine your beliefs, doubts, worries, insecurities, feelings that you don’t quite deserve what you asked for, that it would be too good for you, or perhaps that after all, you don’t really want what you asked for.
Remember that your outer-world experiences only reflect what’s in your mind, so if you don’t like what you’re experiencing, all you need to do is change your mind about it. If you expect only the best in life, and keep on thanking your mind and the universe (God) for giving you the best, in joyful expectation of these experiences – your outer-world experiences will reflect this. Acknowledge that everything that happens in your life is forever moving you toward the realization of your goals.
Practice these techniques daily, and over time what you desire will manifest.
The law of attraction can work wonders in your life. If you are looking for ways to attract health, wealth, prosperity, and happiness then this is the blog for you.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
Creating Effective Affirmations
Creating Effective Affirmations
In hypnosis, affirmations are usually referred to as "direct suggestions" in hetero-hypnosis or "auto-suggestions" when practicing self-hypnosis. Affirmation is a statement of an idea you desire to "make firm", to impress upon your subconscious mind, so that eventually it begins to work for you automatically.
There are many different ways to practice self-hypnosis, and writing affirmations is one of them. As you keep on working with self-hypnosis, you may find that at different times your mood and preferences may change and different methods may be more suitable for you. The more options you're aware of, the better you'll be able to deal successfully with any situation regardless of the circumstances.
There may be times when you just want to relax and listen to a hypnosis recording and let it guide you toward your desired outcome. There may be times when you feel too busy and may find it more suitable to just let the subliminal, supraliminal orsupraliminal plus recording play in the background. And then, there may be times when you feel too restless, or you are experiencing some pressing feelings you'd like to get out of your system and transform them, times when you just don't feel like relaxing, but would rather engage in some form of physical action. Writing affirmations is one of the things you can do at such times. By the way, you can write them or type them, according to your preference.
Another purpose of writing affirmations is that they allow you to become aware of any conflicting beliefs hiding in your subconscious mind, so that you can transform them at the same time.
An effective process of working with affirmations has three main stages- just like a good hypnosis session, a prayer, or any other form of changework. The following process describes one good method of working with affirmations.
The first stage gets you into the appropriate state of mind for impressing the affirmation upon your subconscious. In a regular hypnosis session, you get into this state of mind generally through relaxing your mind and body. When working with affirmations, you may want to align yourself with the source of all power, or if you prefer, your own inner power to create changes in your life, by writing appropriate affirmations. The purpose of this stage in hypnosis is to help you to put aside the critical faculty of your conscious mind. The purpose of this stage when writing affirmations is to help you put your "outer" self aside, so that you can access your inner "creative power", your "true self" which knows of no limitations and has all the knowledge and power to effect the desired changes in your life.
Here are few samples of such affirmations:
"I live and move and have my being in an infinite ocean of love, power and wisdom of God".
"I am in, one with, and completely amalgamated with all love, power and wisdom of God".
"I allow all the love, power and wisdom of God to express fully and freely through me now."
You can replace the term "God" with any other appropriate term according to your worldview, beliefs, and preferences such as - Superconscious, Tao, Allah, etc.
Depending on the goal you are working with, you may replace the word(s) "love, power and wisdom", with "God", "Spirit", "abundance", "peace", "energy", "healing energy", "light", "life", "chi", "ki" or any other attribute or the "universal essence".
How long should you keep on writing these affirmations in one sitting? Until you get the corresponding FEELING. You impress your subconscious mind through FEELINGS, so you need to keep on writing until you can FEEL that the affirmation you are writing is true for you.
If listening to a particular music helps you to create the desired feeling, by all means have that music play in the background. You may also listen to corresponding subliminal, supraliminal or supraliminal plus recordings while writing your affirmations.
The second stage of writing affirmations consists of your "goal-specific" affirmations. Your goal should be stated in positive terms (what you want to experience instead of what you don't want), and be in present tense - "as if" the desired outcome were your reality now.
Your affirmations should begin with "I am" or "I am becoming", "I have", etc.
Your affirmations should also be specific. For example, if you affirmed "I now have more money" - you may find one cent somewhere on the street and the affirmation would be fulfilled, but that's probably not what you had in mind. Your subconscious mind takes your statements literally and it fulfills them according to what you affirm. A better affirmation would be "I now have $ (specific amount) - or more", or "I am now earning $ (specific amount) a month - or more".
You may write these affirmations in the first ("I am"), second ("You are" and third person ("[your name] is"). Also, incorporate "feeling" words into your affirmations, words that help you to elicit appropriate emotions related to your goal. For example:
"I feel so good that I am now able to ..."
"I feel so exited now that I have ..."
"I have decided to ..."
"I am committed to ..."
Certain types of general affirmations do work well, too. For example "All my needs are now and forever supplied", or "I am enjoying perfect health now and forever". These general types of affirmations are pretty close to the affirmations you were writing in the first stage of the affirmation process because what you're doing here is affirming and aligning yourself with spiritual truths. You are simply affirming that you desire to experience in your physical world what is already true for you in spirit. You are acknowledging these spiritual truths and allowing them to express in your life.
The universe (or, your subconscious / superconscious mind - whatever term you prefer) follows the path of least resistance. This means that what you ask for will come in a way that is the easiest to get according to your beliefs, desires and expectations and according to beliefs, desires and expectations of everyone else who may be involved in realization of your desired outcome.
If you leave the "how" what you desire will come about - but instead state, for example, "this now manifests for me in a perfect way for the highest good of all" - you'll will often get what you desire faster. There are many more ways of getting what we desire than we are consciously aware of, so leaving this element to the universal creative intelligence (or your "inner wisdom") would be a better way of proceeding in many instances.
It is also good to distinguish between the "form" and the "essence". The "essence" relates to the feeling you're after, the feeling you believe the specific thing give you. The "form" is the thing you believe will best fulfill this need and enable you to experience the desired feeling. Often times we may get exactly the thing we asked for only to find out that it didn't really give us the feeling we were after. Also, focusing on the "essence" or the "feeling" will help to manifest the truly desired experience in your life much faster and to your greater satisfaction.
To find out what is the "essence" of what you desire, you may simply ask yourself a question how will you feel after you get your outcome, or what is the main purpose of obtaining the desired outcome. For example, you may want a specific car because you believe it will make you feel important (i.e. you base your self-esteem on having a specific thing) or because you desire a reliable transportation and the car you desire has a great performance, or is big enough so you can fit your whole family in it, etc.
The affirmations you write will work in conjunction with the beliefs that are already impressed upon your subconscious mind. So, if you are writing affirmations for prosperity, what may initially happen is that you end up with more offers for the same type of work you're accustomed to getting.
This simply means that, through repeated action, this method of acquiring money has become conditioned in your subconscious mind. And, of course, you can change it by reaffirming the method in which you'd rather be acquiring money now, until this new idea becomes impressed upon your subconscious mind.
Or, if you have a health challenge, and begin to affirm for perfect health, the first method you may come across may again be the one that is most acceptable to you according to beliefs and conditioning already impressed in your subconscious mind.
Whatever first comes your way as a response to your affirmation doesn't mean that it iss the only way - it just means that it is most appropriate based on your current beliefs. By sticking with the idea you really had in mind, sooner or later you'll get your desired outcome.
You may also get the actual thing you're after or you may end up with a lot of opportunities requiring some kind of action on your part and leading to the acquisition of the desired thing. It's important to recognize when what you asked for has actually manifested in some way in your life, even if it is not exactly what you asked for. This will still boost your confidence and condition your subconscious mind with success because you'll know that something is working even if you need to adjust your request in some way.
While I did say that you should be "specific" there are some things that you should avoid regardless of how initially attractive such ideas may seem to be. Things to avoid are asking for a job that a specific person has, a possession belonging to a specific person, or that a specific person (e.g. Joe or Mary) goes out with you on a date, or worse, drops dead. Can you get those things with affirmations? Yes, you can - but ultimately you may not like the consequences. These things would be "ill-gotten" and sooner or later, something would be taken away from you "in exchange", something that you consider valuable.
You can, on the other hand, affirm for yourself that you are irresistibly attractive and that you ideal partner is now coming into your life. You can also list down the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual qualities of such a person as well as any other general interests. You can specify what kind of relationship you'd like to attract and enjoy. You can specify that you'd like to work in a specific occupation, make certain amount of money, etc. And you can affirm peace, love, happiness and abundance for other people. In short, if you wouldn't want other people affirming something for you, don't affirm such things for others. What goes around comes around.
When you affirm for something, it's pretty much like throwing a pebble (your statement) into an ocean (of infinite supply). It will create waves in all directions, gather all different expressions of the energy (thoughts and feelings) you just sent out, it will multiply and come back to you. So, unless you'd really like to experience what you asked for multiplied and returned to you, don't affirm it.
If you desire something, but don't have a clue how to create such experience in your life, or it appears that all doors are closed to you, you can affirm:
"The way now opens for me to ... (state your desire)"
The way to uncover any conflicting beliefs you may have regarding what you desire to create in your life is to write your affirmation once, then take a deep breath, and write down whatever first comes to your mind as a response to such statement. Then write your affirmation again, take another deep breath and write down whatever comes to your mind as a response. For example:
(affirmation) "I, (your name), completely forgive myself"
(response) "I smashed my dad's car. I was so irresponsible."
(affirmation) "I, (your name), completely forgive myself"
(response) "I never once called my mother in two years. What kind of a person am I?".
(affirmation) "I, (your name), completely forgive myself"
response) "I yelled at my son. Oh boy, I'm so stressed out" ... etc.
Incidentally, if you choose to work with forgiveness affirmations, (it is recommended that you write them 70 times a day for seven days), you're bound to experience some major transformation and emotional clearing in just one week. You may amazed with the results.
And talking of "clearing", if you find yourself standing in front of apparently insurmountable obstacles, you may write the following affirmations:
"The path to my (being, having, doing) now clear."
"All obstacles to my (being, having, doing) ... vanish into nothingness".
"I now give all of my problems to the Spirit (Christ, Inner Wisdom, God) within me."
"All obstacles to my (being, having, doing) ... now dissolve in the Light."
"I totally surrender to my Inner Wisdom".
"Beloved God, Thy Will be done in me and through me now and forever."
The third stage of the affirmation process consists of closing the process. In hypnosis, this is usually done through suggestions for emerging from the state of hypnosis to normal waking consciousness. While writing affirmations, you can write down "gratitude" affirmations acknowledging the acceptance of the blessings (change) you have just asked for.
Some examples of these affirmations are:
"I am deeply grateful for my life".
"I am deeply grateful that I now enjoy perfect health."
"I am deeply grateful that the million dollars are now manifesting in my hands."
"I am deeply grateful for the ability to serve others."
"I am deeply grateful for my ability to ..."
And, of course, you may close the whole process with "It is so!", or "So be it!", or "Amen!"(or any appropriate similar term or phrase), knowing that what you asked for will most definitely manifest in your life according to your beliefs and expectations.
In hypnosis, affirmations are usually referred to as "direct suggestions" in hetero-hypnosis or "auto-suggestions" when practicing self-hypnosis. Affirmation is a statement of an idea you desire to "make firm", to impress upon your subconscious mind, so that eventually it begins to work for you automatically.
There are many different ways to practice self-hypnosis, and writing affirmations is one of them. As you keep on working with self-hypnosis, you may find that at different times your mood and preferences may change and different methods may be more suitable for you. The more options you're aware of, the better you'll be able to deal successfully with any situation regardless of the circumstances.
There may be times when you just want to relax and listen to a hypnosis recording and let it guide you toward your desired outcome. There may be times when you feel too busy and may find it more suitable to just let the subliminal, supraliminal orsupraliminal plus recording play in the background. And then, there may be times when you feel too restless, or you are experiencing some pressing feelings you'd like to get out of your system and transform them, times when you just don't feel like relaxing, but would rather engage in some form of physical action. Writing affirmations is one of the things you can do at such times. By the way, you can write them or type them, according to your preference.
Another purpose of writing affirmations is that they allow you to become aware of any conflicting beliefs hiding in your subconscious mind, so that you can transform them at the same time.
An effective process of working with affirmations has three main stages- just like a good hypnosis session, a prayer, or any other form of changework. The following process describes one good method of working with affirmations.
The first stage gets you into the appropriate state of mind for impressing the affirmation upon your subconscious. In a regular hypnosis session, you get into this state of mind generally through relaxing your mind and body. When working with affirmations, you may want to align yourself with the source of all power, or if you prefer, your own inner power to create changes in your life, by writing appropriate affirmations. The purpose of this stage in hypnosis is to help you to put aside the critical faculty of your conscious mind. The purpose of this stage when writing affirmations is to help you put your "outer" self aside, so that you can access your inner "creative power", your "true self" which knows of no limitations and has all the knowledge and power to effect the desired changes in your life.
Here are few samples of such affirmations:
"I live and move and have my being in an infinite ocean of love, power and wisdom of God".
"I am in, one with, and completely amalgamated with all love, power and wisdom of God".
"I allow all the love, power and wisdom of God to express fully and freely through me now."
You can replace the term "God" with any other appropriate term according to your worldview, beliefs, and preferences such as - Superconscious, Tao, Allah, etc.
Depending on the goal you are working with, you may replace the word(s) "love, power and wisdom", with "God", "Spirit", "abundance", "peace", "energy", "healing energy", "light", "life", "chi", "ki" or any other attribute or the "universal essence".
How long should you keep on writing these affirmations in one sitting? Until you get the corresponding FEELING. You impress your subconscious mind through FEELINGS, so you need to keep on writing until you can FEEL that the affirmation you are writing is true for you.
If listening to a particular music helps you to create the desired feeling, by all means have that music play in the background. You may also listen to corresponding subliminal, supraliminal or supraliminal plus recordings while writing your affirmations.
The second stage of writing affirmations consists of your "goal-specific" affirmations. Your goal should be stated in positive terms (what you want to experience instead of what you don't want), and be in present tense - "as if" the desired outcome were your reality now.
Your affirmations should begin with "I am" or "I am becoming", "I have", etc.
Your affirmations should also be specific. For example, if you affirmed "I now have more money" - you may find one cent somewhere on the street and the affirmation would be fulfilled, but that's probably not what you had in mind. Your subconscious mind takes your statements literally and it fulfills them according to what you affirm. A better affirmation would be "I now have $ (specific amount) - or more", or "I am now earning $ (specific amount) a month - or more".
You may write these affirmations in the first ("I am"), second ("You are" and third person ("[your name] is"). Also, incorporate "feeling" words into your affirmations, words that help you to elicit appropriate emotions related to your goal. For example:
"I feel so good that I am now able to ..."
"I feel so exited now that I have ..."
"I have decided to ..."
"I am committed to ..."
Certain types of general affirmations do work well, too. For example "All my needs are now and forever supplied", or "I am enjoying perfect health now and forever". These general types of affirmations are pretty close to the affirmations you were writing in the first stage of the affirmation process because what you're doing here is affirming and aligning yourself with spiritual truths. You are simply affirming that you desire to experience in your physical world what is already true for you in spirit. You are acknowledging these spiritual truths and allowing them to express in your life.
The universe (or, your subconscious / superconscious mind - whatever term you prefer) follows the path of least resistance. This means that what you ask for will come in a way that is the easiest to get according to your beliefs, desires and expectations and according to beliefs, desires and expectations of everyone else who may be involved in realization of your desired outcome.
If you leave the "how" what you desire will come about - but instead state, for example, "this now manifests for me in a perfect way for the highest good of all" - you'll will often get what you desire faster. There are many more ways of getting what we desire than we are consciously aware of, so leaving this element to the universal creative intelligence (or your "inner wisdom") would be a better way of proceeding in many instances.
It is also good to distinguish between the "form" and the "essence". The "essence" relates to the feeling you're after, the feeling you believe the specific thing give you. The "form" is the thing you believe will best fulfill this need and enable you to experience the desired feeling. Often times we may get exactly the thing we asked for only to find out that it didn't really give us the feeling we were after. Also, focusing on the "essence" or the "feeling" will help to manifest the truly desired experience in your life much faster and to your greater satisfaction.
To find out what is the "essence" of what you desire, you may simply ask yourself a question how will you feel after you get your outcome, or what is the main purpose of obtaining the desired outcome. For example, you may want a specific car because you believe it will make you feel important (i.e. you base your self-esteem on having a specific thing) or because you desire a reliable transportation and the car you desire has a great performance, or is big enough so you can fit your whole family in it, etc.
The affirmations you write will work in conjunction with the beliefs that are already impressed upon your subconscious mind. So, if you are writing affirmations for prosperity, what may initially happen is that you end up with more offers for the same type of work you're accustomed to getting.
This simply means that, through repeated action, this method of acquiring money has become conditioned in your subconscious mind. And, of course, you can change it by reaffirming the method in which you'd rather be acquiring money now, until this new idea becomes impressed upon your subconscious mind.
Or, if you have a health challenge, and begin to affirm for perfect health, the first method you may come across may again be the one that is most acceptable to you according to beliefs and conditioning already impressed in your subconscious mind.
Whatever first comes your way as a response to your affirmation doesn't mean that it iss the only way - it just means that it is most appropriate based on your current beliefs. By sticking with the idea you really had in mind, sooner or later you'll get your desired outcome.
You may also get the actual thing you're after or you may end up with a lot of opportunities requiring some kind of action on your part and leading to the acquisition of the desired thing. It's important to recognize when what you asked for has actually manifested in some way in your life, even if it is not exactly what you asked for. This will still boost your confidence and condition your subconscious mind with success because you'll know that something is working even if you need to adjust your request in some way.
While I did say that you should be "specific" there are some things that you should avoid regardless of how initially attractive such ideas may seem to be. Things to avoid are asking for a job that a specific person has, a possession belonging to a specific person, or that a specific person (e.g. Joe or Mary) goes out with you on a date, or worse, drops dead. Can you get those things with affirmations? Yes, you can - but ultimately you may not like the consequences. These things would be "ill-gotten" and sooner or later, something would be taken away from you "in exchange", something that you consider valuable.
You can, on the other hand, affirm for yourself that you are irresistibly attractive and that you ideal partner is now coming into your life. You can also list down the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual qualities of such a person as well as any other general interests. You can specify what kind of relationship you'd like to attract and enjoy. You can specify that you'd like to work in a specific occupation, make certain amount of money, etc. And you can affirm peace, love, happiness and abundance for other people. In short, if you wouldn't want other people affirming something for you, don't affirm such things for others. What goes around comes around.
When you affirm for something, it's pretty much like throwing a pebble (your statement) into an ocean (of infinite supply). It will create waves in all directions, gather all different expressions of the energy (thoughts and feelings) you just sent out, it will multiply and come back to you. So, unless you'd really like to experience what you asked for multiplied and returned to you, don't affirm it.
If you desire something, but don't have a clue how to create such experience in your life, or it appears that all doors are closed to you, you can affirm:
"The way now opens for me to ... (state your desire)"
The way to uncover any conflicting beliefs you may have regarding what you desire to create in your life is to write your affirmation once, then take a deep breath, and write down whatever first comes to your mind as a response to such statement. Then write your affirmation again, take another deep breath and write down whatever comes to your mind as a response. For example:
(affirmation) "I, (your name), completely forgive myself"
(response) "I smashed my dad's car. I was so irresponsible."
(affirmation) "I, (your name), completely forgive myself"
(response) "I never once called my mother in two years. What kind of a person am I?".
(affirmation) "I, (your name), completely forgive myself"
response) "I yelled at my son. Oh boy, I'm so stressed out" ... etc.
Incidentally, if you choose to work with forgiveness affirmations, (it is recommended that you write them 70 times a day for seven days), you're bound to experience some major transformation and emotional clearing in just one week. You may amazed with the results.
And talking of "clearing", if you find yourself standing in front of apparently insurmountable obstacles, you may write the following affirmations:
"The path to my (being, having, doing) now clear."
"All obstacles to my (being, having, doing) ... vanish into nothingness".
"I now give all of my problems to the Spirit (Christ, Inner Wisdom, God) within me."
"All obstacles to my (being, having, doing) ... now dissolve in the Light."
"I totally surrender to my Inner Wisdom".
"Beloved God, Thy Will be done in me and through me now and forever."
The third stage of the affirmation process consists of closing the process. In hypnosis, this is usually done through suggestions for emerging from the state of hypnosis to normal waking consciousness. While writing affirmations, you can write down "gratitude" affirmations acknowledging the acceptance of the blessings (change) you have just asked for.
Some examples of these affirmations are:
"I am deeply grateful for my life".
"I am deeply grateful that I now enjoy perfect health."
"I am deeply grateful that the million dollars are now manifesting in my hands."
"I am deeply grateful for the ability to serve others."
"I am deeply grateful for my ability to ..."
And, of course, you may close the whole process with "It is so!", or "So be it!", or "Amen!"(or any appropriate similar term or phrase), knowing that what you asked for will most definitely manifest in your life according to your beliefs and expectations.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
One Simple Truth - The Principle of Oneness
The reason I felt compelled to write about this topic is because it will answer many questions I get through the emails - related to how and why you can do different things with your mind, how and why you can solve some puzzling problems and more. You will get the most of it, not just by reading this article, but by actually conducting your own experiments with the information provided here, because nothing will help you grasp certain ideas better than your own personal experience.
It doesn't matter if you're just curious about using hypnosis, or you're interested in spiritual growth (regardless of what tradition you may be into) or in science / quantum physics - they are all based upon and arise out of one principle - The Principle of Oneness, upon one Law - the Law of One.
What I'm offering here is just a tiny bit - a tip of the iceberg - because everything in your mind, in your body, in your life experience, in the entire universe is based upon it and you can indeed use every experience in your daily life to bring this principle closer into your awareness and into your conscious experience of life. Being aware of it is only the first step. The rest of it consists in living it, expressing it consciously through your daily life.
THERE IS ONLY ONE INFINITE INTELLIGENT LIVING ENERGY PERMEATING EVERYTHING in creation, visible and invisible, manifested and unmanifested. LOVE is the glue that holds it together. That is why it is also said that Love is the Law and that by loving everything you fulfill all the other laws that arise out of it.
For a moment now, as you are sitting and reading this, imagine yourself stretching beyond the boundaries of your body and encompassing the entire universe - it is infinite - but just go ahead and use your imagination and imagine yourself stretched as far across the universe as your imagination allows - encompassing all time and space - encompassing all that is visible and invisible - where everything in creation is just another cell of your own body and say silently to yourself "I AM THAT I AM", "I AM ALL OF IT".
If you really do this wholeheartedly, you may notice your breathing change - instead of just breathing through your physical body, you may feel as if you were breathing through everything in the universe - as if you are the living breath of the universe - ONE LIFE that permeates everything. Through repetition, you will create new neurological connections in your body. You will accomplish much more, but that's for you to discover.
If this is the first time you are doing something along these lines with your mind, to a part of you it may seem like a flight of fancy - just some kind of a mind-tripping - yet, as you keep on doing it - you will notice a real effect upon your physical body - you will feel lighter, your body may heal spontaneously because you will allow the life-force to flow freely through it, you may start looking younger, you will open to the flow of some abilities you never even dreamed of possible before, there will be nothing to fear (if you know that you are ALL, who or what is there left to fear?), you will begin to love everything in your world because you'll know that it's all YOU - a precious cell of your own body, an aspect of your own Self.
I said "to a part of you it may seem like a flight of fancy", because there is a part of you that knows this and remembers it and even if it is out of your conscious awareness, you are fully capable of sensing the truth, regardless of whether you acknowledge it consciously or attempt to deny it due to lack of conscious understanding. If what I write here is not enough for you, you can ask for some kind of a sign, some kind of a "proof" from your own Self, and you will get it in a way that is suitable for you, provided you genuinely desire to know.
Some scientists would tell you that only about one third of our DNA is activated and also that they have discovered that one's thoughts and emotions do affect DNA and activation of other parts of it. What this means is that more information is available and you are able to do more things. There are numerous techniques and artificial devices for unfoldment of one's potential and activation of DNA, but the key to anything that will make you genuinely move forward is your awareness of interconnectedness of all life and development of your ability to LOVE.
Your ability to LOVE will depend upon your perception. If you look upon someone or something and perceive it, him or her, as separate from you and start contemplating in how many ways they are different from you and may be engaged in activities that are not your cup of tea - it will be harder. If you start looking beyond the appearances and start focusing on the common denominator between different parts - if you focus upon one spirit, one life that flows through all - and therefore perceive that which seems to be outside of you and separate from you as a part of yourself - it will be much easier.
This is also the way of solving any kind of conflict you have within you or may be experiencing in your outer life - just start looking for and focusing upon the common denominator and there will be no more conflict. We have different cells and organs in our bodies and they are designed to do different things - neither one is better or worse from another because they are different and all of them work together to keep our bodies functioning as one harmonious unit. It's the same with anything else in the world.
The fact that there is One Infinite Intelligence permeating everything is often expressed in the statement that there is ONE MIND and everything in existence is in that ONE MIND - and this ONE MIND is YOUR MIND. That is why you are able to access any knowledge from past, present of future and moreover there is only ONE TIME - NOW - sometimes it is referred to as eternity, or timelessness, or simultaneous time, but whatever you can experience, you can experience only in the moment of NOW and the moment of NOW is the moment of POWER.
You can think in terms of past or future, but whatever you experience in your emotions always occurs in the moment of NOW. When you start ruminating over past or possible future, you are really bringing those events into your present experience. And whatever goes through your mind and emotions in this moment of NOW creates bio-chemical changes in your body. It also affect your vibration, the electro-magnetic field around you and your experience of life. It affects many more things in your life, in your environment and across the universe of which you may or may not be consciously aware.
You can get books dealing with neuro-science or neuro-biology, you can buy or rent a movie "What the Bleep Do We Know!?" for some graphical descriptions of the process, or you can simply relax and allow yourself to experience LOVE and imagine yourself loving every speck of the universe - direct your LOVE to every corner of the UNIVERSE - do this for half an hour a day and notice the changes in your body.
You can do this by thinking of something that you love, using it as a symbol and projecting that image, sound or whatever it is upon everything else that crosses your mind. Think of it as "seeing the face of your beloved" in everything. If you don't have any memories of love, then think of something that you feel grateful for or something that made you feel good, happy or joyful, until you feel your heart opening, until you can feel the energy stirring in your heart, then direct it outward. Imagine sending this love out, not only through your heart, but through every cell and atom of your body. It will heal and rejuvenate your body, along the way, too.
I wanted to share few images of the water crystal molecules with you. They are from Dr. Masaru Emoto's book "Hidden Messages In Water". Dr. Emoto spent quite a bit of time conducting experiments with the effect thoughts, words, and sounds have upon water. This is significant because about 70% of our bodies is made out of water, as well as that much of our planet. So, just imagine if our thoughts can do this to water, what effect do they have upon our bodies.
Because EVERYTHING IS in YOUR MIND, you can and do affect everything in the world with your thoughts, from your body, to your own life experiences, including the experiences of other people and natural phenomena. Yes, that is why you can affect intentionally or unintentionally other people, but oftentimes when people get excited about learning Remote Influence, they forget that whatever ideas they project onto others, they will also get to experience one way or another in their own lives. Yes, you can use Remote Influence - after all you are using it in your daily life - even if you're doing it unknowingly and unintentionally - to spread love, peace, happiness, healing and good-will in the world so that you can experience more of the same in your life.
There is ONLY ONE POWER. It is this One, Living, Loving, Intelligent Energy - Life-Force that permeates everything. And the more you do this brief meditation I suggested at the top of this article, the more will you become aware of it, the more will you experience it, the more of it will you begin to express spontaneously because through your consciousness of it you will be "plugged into Power". If you keep on meditating upon the Infinite and identifying yourself with the Infinite Love, Power and Wisdom, this Power will grow and express through you in a balanced, life-affirming way. You'll know when to use it and how to use it and when and how not to use it.
This Power was never intended to boost the individual's little ego, a sense of separation, or a sense of self-importance, but to help you to unfold your potential harmoniously and beautifully for the good of all. When you start thinking and acting as if you were separate from the Allness (Wholeness) of the One, you unplug yourself from the Infinite Source of Power, from the Infinite Source of Life-Force and something within you begins to wither and die like a branch cut off from the tree.
This doesn't mean that you are not important. You are - much like a piece of a puzzle which completes the puzzle. There is a perfect place for you in this world and a meaningful role you have come here to play.
When you accomplish something in your life, you accomplish it through this ONE POWER. As long as you remain consciously connected to it - it will flow through you ever more in infinite abundance. When you choose to perceive the accomplishment as coming from your own little self, sooner or later you run into a dead-end, because you disconnect yourself from the power that can bring forth miracles beyond your wildest expectations.
When you live your daily life with awareness of One Infinite Loving Intelligent Energy - One Life-Force, One Spirit expressing through all - you allow it to move through your being and to guide your every step. You find yourself spontaneously doing the right thing. You find yourself knowing exactly what to do. And then something else interesting happens - while before other people could influence you, manipulate you and push your buttons - they cannot do that any more - because now you feel whole and complete. You are at peace and content with your life. What you do is governed by your own inner Wisdom, by the Infinite Spirit expressing through you, in which you trust fully and completely because you can feel its magnificence, its presence, its power, love and wisdom within you. You know that all is well. You don't need to prove anything to anyone. You know that it is enough to live your life according to your inner truth. You know that whatever you may ever need will come into your life, so you are free of all worries and of all lack. You feel loved. You never ever feel alone because you can feel your connection with all life. You know that everything is alive and that the very air that you breathe is filled with life, love and power.
It doesn't matter if you're just curious about using hypnosis, or you're interested in spiritual growth (regardless of what tradition you may be into) or in science / quantum physics - they are all based upon and arise out of one principle - The Principle of Oneness, upon one Law - the Law of One.
What I'm offering here is just a tiny bit - a tip of the iceberg - because everything in your mind, in your body, in your life experience, in the entire universe is based upon it and you can indeed use every experience in your daily life to bring this principle closer into your awareness and into your conscious experience of life. Being aware of it is only the first step. The rest of it consists in living it, expressing it consciously through your daily life.
THERE IS ONLY ONE INFINITE INTELLIGENT LIVING ENERGY PERMEATING EVERYTHING in creation, visible and invisible, manifested and unmanifested. LOVE is the glue that holds it together. That is why it is also said that Love is the Law and that by loving everything you fulfill all the other laws that arise out of it.
For a moment now, as you are sitting and reading this, imagine yourself stretching beyond the boundaries of your body and encompassing the entire universe - it is infinite - but just go ahead and use your imagination and imagine yourself stretched as far across the universe as your imagination allows - encompassing all time and space - encompassing all that is visible and invisible - where everything in creation is just another cell of your own body and say silently to yourself "I AM THAT I AM", "I AM ALL OF IT".
If you really do this wholeheartedly, you may notice your breathing change - instead of just breathing through your physical body, you may feel as if you were breathing through everything in the universe - as if you are the living breath of the universe - ONE LIFE that permeates everything. Through repetition, you will create new neurological connections in your body. You will accomplish much more, but that's for you to discover.
If this is the first time you are doing something along these lines with your mind, to a part of you it may seem like a flight of fancy - just some kind of a mind-tripping - yet, as you keep on doing it - you will notice a real effect upon your physical body - you will feel lighter, your body may heal spontaneously because you will allow the life-force to flow freely through it, you may start looking younger, you will open to the flow of some abilities you never even dreamed of possible before, there will be nothing to fear (if you know that you are ALL, who or what is there left to fear?), you will begin to love everything in your world because you'll know that it's all YOU - a precious cell of your own body, an aspect of your own Self.
I said "to a part of you it may seem like a flight of fancy", because there is a part of you that knows this and remembers it and even if it is out of your conscious awareness, you are fully capable of sensing the truth, regardless of whether you acknowledge it consciously or attempt to deny it due to lack of conscious understanding. If what I write here is not enough for you, you can ask for some kind of a sign, some kind of a "proof" from your own Self, and you will get it in a way that is suitable for you, provided you genuinely desire to know.
Some scientists would tell you that only about one third of our DNA is activated and also that they have discovered that one's thoughts and emotions do affect DNA and activation of other parts of it. What this means is that more information is available and you are able to do more things. There are numerous techniques and artificial devices for unfoldment of one's potential and activation of DNA, but the key to anything that will make you genuinely move forward is your awareness of interconnectedness of all life and development of your ability to LOVE.
Your ability to LOVE will depend upon your perception. If you look upon someone or something and perceive it, him or her, as separate from you and start contemplating in how many ways they are different from you and may be engaged in activities that are not your cup of tea - it will be harder. If you start looking beyond the appearances and start focusing on the common denominator between different parts - if you focus upon one spirit, one life that flows through all - and therefore perceive that which seems to be outside of you and separate from you as a part of yourself - it will be much easier.
This is also the way of solving any kind of conflict you have within you or may be experiencing in your outer life - just start looking for and focusing upon the common denominator and there will be no more conflict. We have different cells and organs in our bodies and they are designed to do different things - neither one is better or worse from another because they are different and all of them work together to keep our bodies functioning as one harmonious unit. It's the same with anything else in the world.
The fact that there is One Infinite Intelligence permeating everything is often expressed in the statement that there is ONE MIND and everything in existence is in that ONE MIND - and this ONE MIND is YOUR MIND. That is why you are able to access any knowledge from past, present of future and moreover there is only ONE TIME - NOW - sometimes it is referred to as eternity, or timelessness, or simultaneous time, but whatever you can experience, you can experience only in the moment of NOW and the moment of NOW is the moment of POWER.
You can think in terms of past or future, but whatever you experience in your emotions always occurs in the moment of NOW. When you start ruminating over past or possible future, you are really bringing those events into your present experience. And whatever goes through your mind and emotions in this moment of NOW creates bio-chemical changes in your body. It also affect your vibration, the electro-magnetic field around you and your experience of life. It affects many more things in your life, in your environment and across the universe of which you may or may not be consciously aware.
You can get books dealing with neuro-science or neuro-biology, you can buy or rent a movie "What the Bleep Do We Know!?" for some graphical descriptions of the process, or you can simply relax and allow yourself to experience LOVE and imagine yourself loving every speck of the universe - direct your LOVE to every corner of the UNIVERSE - do this for half an hour a day and notice the changes in your body.
You can do this by thinking of something that you love, using it as a symbol and projecting that image, sound or whatever it is upon everything else that crosses your mind. Think of it as "seeing the face of your beloved" in everything. If you don't have any memories of love, then think of something that you feel grateful for or something that made you feel good, happy or joyful, until you feel your heart opening, until you can feel the energy stirring in your heart, then direct it outward. Imagine sending this love out, not only through your heart, but through every cell and atom of your body. It will heal and rejuvenate your body, along the way, too.
I wanted to share few images of the water crystal molecules with you. They are from Dr. Masaru Emoto's book "Hidden Messages In Water". Dr. Emoto spent quite a bit of time conducting experiments with the effect thoughts, words, and sounds have upon water. This is significant because about 70% of our bodies is made out of water, as well as that much of our planet. So, just imagine if our thoughts can do this to water, what effect do they have upon our bodies.
Because EVERYTHING IS in YOUR MIND, you can and do affect everything in the world with your thoughts, from your body, to your own life experiences, including the experiences of other people and natural phenomena. Yes, that is why you can affect intentionally or unintentionally other people, but oftentimes when people get excited about learning Remote Influence, they forget that whatever ideas they project onto others, they will also get to experience one way or another in their own lives. Yes, you can use Remote Influence - after all you are using it in your daily life - even if you're doing it unknowingly and unintentionally - to spread love, peace, happiness, healing and good-will in the world so that you can experience more of the same in your life.
There is ONLY ONE POWER. It is this One, Living, Loving, Intelligent Energy - Life-Force that permeates everything. And the more you do this brief meditation I suggested at the top of this article, the more will you become aware of it, the more will you experience it, the more of it will you begin to express spontaneously because through your consciousness of it you will be "plugged into Power". If you keep on meditating upon the Infinite and identifying yourself with the Infinite Love, Power and Wisdom, this Power will grow and express through you in a balanced, life-affirming way. You'll know when to use it and how to use it and when and how not to use it.
This Power was never intended to boost the individual's little ego, a sense of separation, or a sense of self-importance, but to help you to unfold your potential harmoniously and beautifully for the good of all. When you start thinking and acting as if you were separate from the Allness (Wholeness) of the One, you unplug yourself from the Infinite Source of Power, from the Infinite Source of Life-Force and something within you begins to wither and die like a branch cut off from the tree.
This doesn't mean that you are not important. You are - much like a piece of a puzzle which completes the puzzle. There is a perfect place for you in this world and a meaningful role you have come here to play.
When you accomplish something in your life, you accomplish it through this ONE POWER. As long as you remain consciously connected to it - it will flow through you ever more in infinite abundance. When you choose to perceive the accomplishment as coming from your own little self, sooner or later you run into a dead-end, because you disconnect yourself from the power that can bring forth miracles beyond your wildest expectations.
When you live your daily life with awareness of One Infinite Loving Intelligent Energy - One Life-Force, One Spirit expressing through all - you allow it to move through your being and to guide your every step. You find yourself spontaneously doing the right thing. You find yourself knowing exactly what to do. And then something else interesting happens - while before other people could influence you, manipulate you and push your buttons - they cannot do that any more - because now you feel whole and complete. You are at peace and content with your life. What you do is governed by your own inner Wisdom, by the Infinite Spirit expressing through you, in which you trust fully and completely because you can feel its magnificence, its presence, its power, love and wisdom within you. You know that all is well. You don't need to prove anything to anyone. You know that it is enough to live your life according to your inner truth. You know that whatever you may ever need will come into your life, so you are free of all worries and of all lack. You feel loved. You never ever feel alone because you can feel your connection with all life. You know that everything is alive and that the very air that you breathe is filled with life, love and power.
Psycho Cybernetics
Are your dreams eluding you? Your desires left unfulfilled? A psycho-cybernetic force could be at fault! Everyone has buried deep in their subconscious a very powerful mechanism called the psycho-cybernetic force. This mechanism collected and stored every event, every word spoken to you during your early childhood years and then synthesized this data to determine how you feel about yourself and what you believe you can achieve.
This function of this force or goal-seeking mechanism is to make sure that whatever you have subconsciously concluded about yourself and your potential in life is fulfilled with unwavering accuracy. Unfortunately if during those very early and susceptible years of your life you were told negative things about yourself and your abilities, such as you were dumb or ugly or destined for failure, you most likely believed these to be true and may still believe them to be true.
Numerous plastic surgeons have reported this programming to be so strong that even when some patients were presented with pictures of themselves before and after their surgery; pictures that showed a tremendous change for the better, these people stated they either saw no change or believed they looked even worse!
I set worthy goals but fail over and over to attain them!
Because this goal-seeking mechanism operates without your knowledge or awareness, you may have become puzzled and frustrated about why you continue to fall short of your goals and dreams no matter how hard you try. The problem is that goals are defined by our conscious mind but it is the goal-seeking mechanism within our subconscious that brings goals to reality.
That's why you can set a positive goal yet fail to achieve it. Your true belief that you are not capable of attaining your goal takes over and propels you to failure.
Is there another way?
Fortunately you can re-program the psycho-cybernetic force within your subconscious with new data. It will take some time and patience but it can definitely be done. There are two steps that are necessary for this to happen.
Step #1: Crystallize your thinking about exactly what you desire from your life. This can take some time and soul searching. Be specific in every way. Decide who you would like to be as a person, how you would like to live, the job you might enjoy, and the people you'd prefer.
Step #2: Spend at least 30 minutes each day creating a mental picture, almost a movie, of yourself already enjoying the benefits of the life you desire. Since your mind and nervous system do not differentiate between fantasy and reality, they will assume that what you are imagining is
true and automatically move you toward your goal.
Be prepared to experience trial and error situations along the way. This is not bad. Your goal-seeking mechanism's job is to use these incidences or errors as data to correct your course and to
provide you with better solutions in the future. No progress is smooth; stay with it.
How can I use my psycho-cybernetic powers more effectively?
Do all the thinking and planning about your goals before you make any decision about a course of action; then stop thinking and planning and let the natural abilities of your goal-seeking mechanism take action. Don't force it! Let the solutions, hunches, and ideas flow naturally.
·Live in the moment! The past is over; the future has not arrived. Use your energy and focus for today.
·Do only one thing at a time. Set one priority and give it your full attention. Every time you split your concentration, you reduce your effectiveness.
·Sleep on major decisions. Don't rush. Your psycho-cybernetic power needs time to creatively work out solutions to achieve your goals.
·Relax. Living stressed out actually interferes with your goal-seeking mechanism's ability to function resulting in faulty feedback.
Important! You must be actively engaged in moving toward your goals for your goal-seeking mechanism to work. For example, the famous inventor, Thomas Edison was completely immersed in his work when the idea of the phonograph came to him.
A new beginning
As you re-program your goal-seeking mechanism and start to experience the attainment of your goals, you will grow more trusting of its power. You will learn to be patient with setbacks, knowing they are temporary and part of the process of collecting new data for future use.
Soon you will experience the dreams you previously concluded would never be fulfilled. You'll enjoy the freedom of inner peace and tranquility that only comes from accepting who you really are. You'll know you have a friend, a powerful force within whose sole purpose is to take you where you want to go!
This function of this force or goal-seeking mechanism is to make sure that whatever you have subconsciously concluded about yourself and your potential in life is fulfilled with unwavering accuracy. Unfortunately if during those very early and susceptible years of your life you were told negative things about yourself and your abilities, such as you were dumb or ugly or destined for failure, you most likely believed these to be true and may still believe them to be true.
Numerous plastic surgeons have reported this programming to be so strong that even when some patients were presented with pictures of themselves before and after their surgery; pictures that showed a tremendous change for the better, these people stated they either saw no change or believed they looked even worse!
I set worthy goals but fail over and over to attain them!
Because this goal-seeking mechanism operates without your knowledge or awareness, you may have become puzzled and frustrated about why you continue to fall short of your goals and dreams no matter how hard you try. The problem is that goals are defined by our conscious mind but it is the goal-seeking mechanism within our subconscious that brings goals to reality.
That's why you can set a positive goal yet fail to achieve it. Your true belief that you are not capable of attaining your goal takes over and propels you to failure.
Is there another way?
Fortunately you can re-program the psycho-cybernetic force within your subconscious with new data. It will take some time and patience but it can definitely be done. There are two steps that are necessary for this to happen.
Step #1: Crystallize your thinking about exactly what you desire from your life. This can take some time and soul searching. Be specific in every way. Decide who you would like to be as a person, how you would like to live, the job you might enjoy, and the people you'd prefer.
Step #2: Spend at least 30 minutes each day creating a mental picture, almost a movie, of yourself already enjoying the benefits of the life you desire. Since your mind and nervous system do not differentiate between fantasy and reality, they will assume that what you are imagining is
true and automatically move you toward your goal.
Be prepared to experience trial and error situations along the way. This is not bad. Your goal-seeking mechanism's job is to use these incidences or errors as data to correct your course and to
provide you with better solutions in the future. No progress is smooth; stay with it.
How can I use my psycho-cybernetic powers more effectively?
Do all the thinking and planning about your goals before you make any decision about a course of action; then stop thinking and planning and let the natural abilities of your goal-seeking mechanism take action. Don't force it! Let the solutions, hunches, and ideas flow naturally.
·Live in the moment! The past is over; the future has not arrived. Use your energy and focus for today.
·Do only one thing at a time. Set one priority and give it your full attention. Every time you split your concentration, you reduce your effectiveness.
·Sleep on major decisions. Don't rush. Your psycho-cybernetic power needs time to creatively work out solutions to achieve your goals.
·Relax. Living stressed out actually interferes with your goal-seeking mechanism's ability to function resulting in faulty feedback.
Important! You must be actively engaged in moving toward your goals for your goal-seeking mechanism to work. For example, the famous inventor, Thomas Edison was completely immersed in his work when the idea of the phonograph came to him.
A new beginning
As you re-program your goal-seeking mechanism and start to experience the attainment of your goals, you will grow more trusting of its power. You will learn to be patient with setbacks, knowing they are temporary and part of the process of collecting new data for future use.
Soon you will experience the dreams you previously concluded would never be fulfilled. You'll enjoy the freedom of inner peace and tranquility that only comes from accepting who you really are. You'll know you have a friend, a powerful force within whose sole purpose is to take you where you want to go!
Friday, September 26, 2008
Neuro Linguistic Programming
What is NLP?
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is an incredibly powerful discipline that enables people to unblock the structures of human communication and human excellence. By doing so people can think, communicate and manage themselves, and others, more effectively.
NLP explores the relationships between how we think (neuro), how we communicate (linguistic) and our patterns of behaviour and emotion (programmes). By studying and learning from these relationships people can effectively transform the way they traditionally think and act, adopting new, far more successful models of human excellence. (This activity is called modelling and is a key feature that distinguishes NLP from psychology).
n effect, NLP is a powerful change management tool that transforms the way people think and act to have the greatest impact both professionally and personally. That’s why NLP is one of the most powerful skills used in business management, psychology, sales, sports coaching and all forms of personal development.
NLP can help you to:
Be more successful by learning to influence your emotional and psychological states.
Replace negative behaviors and habits with positive ones.
Transform the way you go about everyday tasks.
Be more aware of your impact on others and how to manage your behaviour for optimal results.
Better understand your own motivations, needs and behaviors and use these positively to have the greatest impact.
Better understand your staff’s and customer’s needs, motivations and behaviors.
Improve and enhance your interpersonal communication at the office and at home.
NLP can literally change your views of the world and establish new anchor points to create new realities for your subconscious mind. In other words, it will unblock the hangups that are holding you back from achieving your hearts desire.
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is an incredibly powerful discipline that enables people to unblock the structures of human communication and human excellence. By doing so people can think, communicate and manage themselves, and others, more effectively.
NLP explores the relationships between how we think (neuro), how we communicate (linguistic) and our patterns of behaviour and emotion (programmes). By studying and learning from these relationships people can effectively transform the way they traditionally think and act, adopting new, far more successful models of human excellence. (This activity is called modelling and is a key feature that distinguishes NLP from psychology).
n effect, NLP is a powerful change management tool that transforms the way people think and act to have the greatest impact both professionally and personally. That’s why NLP is one of the most powerful skills used in business management, psychology, sales, sports coaching and all forms of personal development.
NLP can help you to:
Be more successful by learning to influence your emotional and psychological states.
Replace negative behaviors and habits with positive ones.
Transform the way you go about everyday tasks.
Be more aware of your impact on others and how to manage your behaviour for optimal results.
Better understand your own motivations, needs and behaviors and use these positively to have the greatest impact.
Better understand your staff’s and customer’s needs, motivations and behaviors.
Improve and enhance your interpersonal communication at the office and at home.
NLP can literally change your views of the world and establish new anchor points to create new realities for your subconscious mind. In other words, it will unblock the hangups that are holding you back from achieving your hearts desire.
Friday, September 12, 2008
LOA Experiment Day 82
I received a phone call today indicating that my company has attracted another client, and we will be receiving payment upfront for our services. This is truly amazing considering the amount received will be exactly the amount I have been visualizing all month. Over the three months, I have attracted more money and clients than I thought possible.
Vizualizing is a process anyone can do. There is no right or wrong way to do it. The only stipulation is that one needs to have access to a quiet and comfortable place to sit or lay down. Once the suitable location has been identified, the relaxation techniques of closing the eyes, and taking deep breathes can begin. At this point it's important to have a "clear picture" in your minds about what you want. Allow scenarios of achieving the goal and being successful to enter conscious awareness, by visualizing what it would feel like if you could achieve the specific goal now.
In addition its important to visualize every last detail, including perhaps what you would be wearing, how you would feel, and what you might say to achieve whatever your hearts desire. The more specific the better. Try visualizing for 10-15 minutes at a time, 2-3 times a day. After a while increase the duration to 25-30 minutes a day. The more attention given to achieving the goal, the faster it will occur.
Vizualizing is a process anyone can do. There is no right or wrong way to do it. The only stipulation is that one needs to have access to a quiet and comfortable place to sit or lay down. Once the suitable location has been identified, the relaxation techniques of closing the eyes, and taking deep breathes can begin. At this point it's important to have a "clear picture" in your minds about what you want. Allow scenarios of achieving the goal and being successful to enter conscious awareness, by visualizing what it would feel like if you could achieve the specific goal now.
In addition its important to visualize every last detail, including perhaps what you would be wearing, how you would feel, and what you might say to achieve whatever your hearts desire. The more specific the better. Try visualizing for 10-15 minutes at a time, 2-3 times a day. After a while increase the duration to 25-30 minutes a day. The more attention given to achieving the goal, the faster it will occur.
Monday, September 8, 2008
LOA Experiment Day 79
Hard to believe its been 79 days since I started my Law of Attraction experiment. This past weekend I attracted three additional clients. I am on the path to achieve my sales goals, and with other people visualizing with me, I believe business will be better than ever.
If you are looking to expand your business, finish these statements:
If you are looking to expand your business, finish these statements:
- When coming home from my dream business/job I feel....
- My dream business/job allows me the opportunity to.....
- I attract my ideal client/customer by.....
This exercise is geared towards allowing yourself the opportunity to express what your dream job/business could be, and how you would feel if you were living your dreams right now! In order to achieve success, you must first create it, visualizing every last detail. Practice this technique regularly, if not daily and eventually your subconscious will assist you in taking the proper steps to achieve it.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Hello September
It's now September and the year seems to be marching right along. The summer has come and gone, but my business is still alive and well. Recently I began daily meditation sessions in adjunct to daily visualizing. Dr. Laura Di Georgio operates a great website called, which has great neuro reconditioning cd's.
On a whim I purchased her cd entitled Attract more clients and within a day I was able to atract a new client. The cd's are great to listen to and allows messages to be imprinted on your subunconscious mind. Bottom line is Dr. Di Gerogio is worth checking out.
Beyond the day to day stuff, I have many goals to achieve this month. I am in the process of re-developing my website's and looking to expand my non-profit organization.
Over the past couple of months, many people have asked me how they can stay positive and bring abundance into their lives. I often mention writing daily affirmations or listing things that you are thankful for. Simply get a blank sheet of paper and write the following:
I live in abundance
I create wealth easily
I am a magnet to money
Money serves me
I am in the process of expanding my annual income
The main point is to have fun with this list and add whatever your hearts desire. The only requirement is that you feel great and believe in what you are writing. Stick to it everyday and it will work for you.
On a whim I purchased her cd entitled Attract more clients and within a day I was able to atract a new client. The cd's are great to listen to and allows messages to be imprinted on your subunconscious mind. Bottom line is Dr. Di Gerogio is worth checking out.
Beyond the day to day stuff, I have many goals to achieve this month. I am in the process of re-developing my website's and looking to expand my non-profit organization.
Over the past couple of months, many people have asked me how they can stay positive and bring abundance into their lives. I often mention writing daily affirmations or listing things that you are thankful for. Simply get a blank sheet of paper and write the following:
I live in abundance
I create wealth easily
I am a magnet to money
Money serves me
I am in the process of expanding my annual income
The main point is to have fun with this list and add whatever your hearts desire. The only requirement is that you feel great and believe in what you are writing. Stick to it everyday and it will work for you.
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