Monday, July 12, 2010

LOA Season 6: Day 74

The past month has been a solid month of expansion and lasting growth. At the end of June I acquired a new business account that is doing very nicely; by taking a dream and turning it into reality. Words will always escape the motive or reasoning, but I took decisive action and found a great small business that needs my products. Even more exciting is this particular business fits into my paradigm shift challange.

In the past two weeks, I have earned over $400 by simply following my intuition and taking bold action towards my goals. The rest of this month looks very promising and it will build upon another exciting moment, that being expansion into other stores or establishments.

The week is underway and I am in the process of completing another order by tomorrow. It is a nice change to receive money and know that more of it is on the way. God has been so good to me and my family lately, even amongst all the changes and new situations that we find ourselves in. I am truly thankful and give the utmost respect to God and the Universe for everything that has been bestowed upon me.

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