Thursday, July 15, 2010

LOA Season 6: Day 77

I've managed to make another two sales this week, with another one tomorrow. In addition, a long needed weekend vacation is just over the horizon. Indeed, the beach and cooler weather is calling my name, yes the perfect retreat is within reach now. The past month has been a enormous period of growth and development. My business is expanding into new markets, and I am creating new products to fit the demand of a hungry audience.

July is moving along very rapidly, the 4th seems like yesterday; but in reality it has been nearly two weeks now. Along the way, I've decided to continue my work out regiment and daily visualization sessions. As time moves along, the quality of my magnetism is yielding tangible results. Money, romance, a new house, new clientele, etc... its all being attracted and brought forth into my life.

My goals for this week are to receive money in my mailbox and continue to expand my professional skills for those in need. It is my intention to find it rewarding and enjoyable to provide high quality products to patients. God has blessed my life and the Universe is continuing to position itself around my needs and desires.

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