Sunday, January 17, 2010

LOA Season 5: Day 11

The year is off to a running start. Out of the shoot I made a promise to myself that by the end of this year I will have accumulated a new house, car, and a booming business. While these may seem like last years goals, they are far from it. The past is what it is and in 2010 I am forward looking and ready to acquire all that I desire.

What can happen in ten days? An honest question with little retort. Last week I added a new member to my pack. A female cavalier king charles spaniel who is absolutely beautiful. I rescued her from an animal shelter and am nursing her back to health. The cavalier king charles spaniel is a dog that was bred for royalty, in fact they were King Charles II personal hunting dogs. While on the surface it may appear as if the responsibility of another mouth to feed was placed squarely on my lap, I have another take or angle on which I approach this decision.

It is my humble opinion that like attracts like. With this in mind I took it upon myself to acquire a "royalty dog" not because they symbolize wealth, power, and prestige; but because wealth attracts more wealth. The more one collects items of value be it property, animals, and other things; the greater the chances of acquiring more luxury items becomes. Said another way, the more opportunities a person has to acquire or attract wealth, or have expensive items around, the better off they fare to achieve or acquire even more.

On the business front I am expanding a new product line that I feel will greatly boost profits by attracting new clientele. I am committed to helping as many people as possible this year and now is the time to strike. My prayers will be answered and I know deep down that my life's work is somehow wrapped up in this new line of work.
That being said, my NGO has attracted over 51,000 views in the past 10 months on youtube. Truly the Universe has blessed me and I am proud of what I have accomplished. The new year has arrived and very shortly I will be reaping the rewards of my work and labor. I feel re-freshed and committed to achieving greater things in 2010.

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