Thursday, January 7, 2010

Season 5: Day 1

The fifth season of my 100 day challenge begins today with channeled focus and intensity. While I do not dwelling on the past; it serves as a reminder of feats and moments that have forever changed our individual lives. Yet the past also serves as a prison for the mind, by trapping its forward momentum and redistributing in a manner that ultimately renders a person powerless and stagnant.

To combat the demons of the past, one must consciously choose to live in the moment. If you were to ask a Behaviorist or Psychologist about habits, they would most likely mention how repetitive actions eventually become unconscious habits. The ensuing habits then become solidified into the building blocks of Character. It is the Character of a person that attracts like desires and manifests them into reality. Thus the old adage that "Like attracts like" is legitimized.

This season of conscious creating is of profound importance to me. There are so many goals and aspirations that I would like to achieve this year. While monetary compensation is vital to living, my focus is to acquire as much possible by living a more balanced and healthy lifestyle. The decisions of my past have lead me to this nexus point in space and time. While I cannot control everything in life, I do realize that a well balanced spiritual life is what is important most to me.

To live a life of balance everything piece needs to be in harmony with each other. Money should be balanced with family, and spirituality must be balanced with leisure time. During the next 100 days I will track and record the progress that I have made towards living a more fulfilled and balanced life.

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