Thursday, September 17, 2009

Season 4: Day 76 - Making the Most of Every Day

If I had but twenty-four hours on this earth, I would not want to look back and say, "I wish I had more time." As maturity sets in I understand more and more the meaning of being constructive with time. In life there have been times when "clearing the air" usually meant ending personal relationships, the typical "out with the old, in with the new" analogy.

Today the summer weather is desperately clinging on to a by gone era, a time and moment in the past. Does it not know that Autumn is banging down the door? Foolish season, for sure it must know that October is two weeks away. Like the passing of time, moments fade and melt away with ease. In order to make the most of each day, it requires living in the present, and getting in touch with the "Here and Now." Time moves progressively forward whether we like it or not, and instead of fighting nature, I'm declaring that I am willing to make the most out of each day.

I am ready to achieve the goals and dreams that I've set forth. As a result of my current situations, I also declare that I will be living in a new location, with a new car, a revitalized business, and financial security at hand. This is more than a dream, it is the working actions, and efforts throughout the year. Making something out of nothing is not overrated, it is merely misunderstood by those who lack vision to execute that which would otherwise drive them. Sitting by and watching the world go by is for those who would rather create excuses than exercise plans. In short it is mere childishness to expect good fortune, while doing nothing tangible to attract it. One cannot receive something worthwhile and lasting for nothing, and expect it to last.

Tonight I will be meaningful with my time and will create a lasting legacy in which to hang my hat on. All this and much more awaits for me, and it feels powerful to know that its at my door. Seize the day!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Season 4: Day 75

I'm in the process of making money today. The culmination of a year's work, determination, and shear will is what cuts the mustard at the end of the day. More and more I find myself in the moment of attracting an abundance of sales, which will make my customers excited about themselves, and eager to purchase more items in the future.

The world has weathered one heck of a storm in the past year. While the economic outlook is still very uncertain, it is worth noting that many people are looking forward to better times. No matter what may happen I know that I will come out better and stronger in the end.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Season 4: Day 73

A new member has been added to my pack. Yesterday I found an abandoned dog at a dog park close to my house. Not knowing what to expect, I summoned calm assertive energy and entered the fenced park. After just a few moments alone with the dog, it became apparent that its' former owner had dumped him off and even left a box of food.

It was evident that I could not allow an eight month old puppy to suffer alone anymore. Furthermore, I knew in my heart that this would be a great dog to own. For the time being, I've incorporated him into my daily routine, and socializing him with the other dogs I own. It feels good to show mercy and love to animals, because it is the right thing to do.

Today I'm in the process of attracting more clients, because I now need a larger car for me and my furry friends. In addition I am more dedicated to attracting a new house in which live in. Everything happens for a reason, and I've concluded that Shadow was put into my life so that I might take the next step with calm assertive energy. I believe in the goals that I set and I am in the process of manifesting them by taking the necessary actions.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Season 4: Day 69 - Synchronicity

What is synchronicity? Is it merely thoughts or actions that involve specific moments and people? Why do I keep seeing signs of it all around me? Questions of a plain or realm that we have yet to examine or fully comprehend.

It all started about a month ago. I noticed subtle signs in my life. I started attracting specific situations and materializing certain possessions. Lately, whenever I look at a clock, some interesting occurs. The time will read 2:22, 4:44, 11:11, 12:12, and just this morning it was 10:10am.

Since I do not believe in coincidences, I have come to conclude that perhaps the Universe is currently lining up to give me tools, assets, and personnel necessary to manifest my desired goals for this year.

Those goals include, but are not limited too:
  • Manifesting $60,000 by December 2009
  • Obtaining a house on the East Coast by the end of December
  • Purchasing a different car
  • Pre-production phase on starting a film/tv/internet project on the East Coast
  • More than 500 mp3 Downloads by the end the year
  • Running a successful workshop
These goals are ambitious, but attainable. I have been putting this plan into action since January of this year, and now I am closer to achieving all that I have envisioned and worked for.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Friday, September 4, 2009

Season 4: Day 63 - It all comes in due time

It appears as if my requests are being answered as of late. Last week I wrote about a job that was about to close out for my company. Not only did we finish the job, but I in fact received payment for it! I've been a huge magnet to money lately and it is starting to pay off, quite literally. In the past week I attracted enough money to pay bills and watch my business experience a revival.

Also I another goal was reached when I was able to support my Non-profit organization. My heart was set into motion and a feeling of inner peace was struck when I realized that I do make a difference to many people. Of which, I know that I will never meet. How dynamically different things would be if everyone could reach deep within themselves and pull some good out. The contrarian point of view would be to "cut bait" and move forward, as people being what they are; will ultimately burn you in the end.

While I at times buy into this notion, I am re missed to say that I do at times wish it were not so. Why do we need to continue the ongoing misery the world faces each and every day. Perhaps free will is the culprit, perhaps its somehow within Mankind's DNA to show outward contempt, hostility, and aggression to that which it cannot understand nor control. Whatever the case may be, I am glad to say that life is much simpler than most of us realize. Certainly I am intrigued by how simple pleasures in life are often the most rewarding times of life.

More and more I understand in my own way how the Universe tries to communicate with us. At times it is so easy to focus on the here and now, that the bigger more complete picture seems at times skewed. Focusing on the now allows for the mind to become present and at which time a plan or strategy can be formed for the next step in life. Currently, I am in the process of obtaining $60,000 in which to purchase a new house, a new car, and money in the bank. To this, I know that the required sum of money will be available to me fully by the middle of December.

I can say this with full confidence because I have been hard at work this entire year for this opportunity to come along. Each day I grow stronger in my commitment, and I love knowing that I am learning more about longer term planning as the months pass on by. The here and now for me could not have happened had I merely been sitting idling by. I am honestly here at this point in my life, with so many opportunities because I made a decision in January of this year. In addition I learned that sticking by a choice and riding it out through tough times makes me a stronger and better person.

Instead of writing about what I wanted to accomplish I decided to actually put the plan into motion. This can only be achieved through physically engaging and taking an active role in life. Now that I have seen the progression of my plan, I know that I cannot stop and praise myself for too long. When victory and obtaining goals in within reach, reach down and make them manifest themselves fully. Everything comes in due time to those who work for it.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Season 4: Day 61 - Hello September

Hello September! The year is chuggin' along without losing momentum. The unseasonably hot weather is leaving me tired yet refreshed. I am still working on obtaining my $60,000 by the end of this year.

I was assisted in this goal yesterday, as my compay was paid for a job that we closed out last week. I have confidence that my abilities will bring forth the requested amount, and with that I will establish financial independence; a larger NGO that will help more people; and yes the quality of life that I want to life will accompany this as well.